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BANNED jr363 wallhacker...again.


I'm New Here

To each is own I guess. The demo shows and an obvous wallhacker to me anyway.

The way he rushes into tunnels with scout ready and knows that a CT has positioned himself around the left corner. So he aims just before the corner so that when the CT decides to move out, he can fire on him (this is not the best evidence, but in this context, ie. a known hacker, one can attribute this to him wallhacking and being aware of the CT's position).

The way he continually looks at the wall for no reason. No one does that unless they're directly engaged in a firefight. He does this the whole time. Most players will always stare at choke points where enemies will come out of. It's senseless to stare at a wall for a long time, even if you know that enemies are on the other side, unless you're going to follow their footsteps around a corner with your reticle or you're going to fire randomly through the wall to maybe hit something.

He aims directly at the CT behind the doors. You can't attribute this to him hearing the CT on the other side, firing their gun. He doesn't just aim through the crack to check it out. He first stares at the door, pausing (clearly looking at the CT), and then proceeds to strafe into a position where he can fire on them through the crack and not the door itself (more dmg).

Anyway these are just some examples. I figured that I would make the demo and thread as fast as possible so he can get banned quickly. With him being banned recently, with very clear evidence, I didn't see the need to record something more obvious (and believe me, I know the demo I posted isn't the best, but I felt like it was enough).

I'll make it more clear next time.


I'm New Here

Demos should play just fine, granted that you have the same patch version installed as what patch the demo was recorded on (which you might be familiar with). I noticed that my old demos don't work because of this discrepancy. No idea when they'll fix it. It's pretty dumb, but I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon. It's been reported recently on the official bug report page though:


'low priority, wishlist'...looks like the wait might be long. FRAPS is the only reliable method for now.