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Game Handle(s): Jester

SteamID: JesterJT007

VAC Status: In Good Standing

Previous Clan/Community affiliations: None in tf2 or source, I used to play cod.

Real Name: Jesse

Age: 19

Location: Ottawa(school)/Stoney Creek(summer)

Profession: Student

Favorite Games: CoD, TF2, CoH, Source, BFBC2

Interests: Anything thats a good time.

Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?

I have played on the server for almost 2 full years now off and on with my friends old man army and unpressed waffle. Through them I got to know pyro and pyroette because we all go to school in Ottawa. When im home in the summer im very close to Toronto and would love to lan or hit up a pub some time with players that live close to myself. This is a well run and fun server to play in because the people who run it are down to earth and respectful. If I play source I only play in your server, and if I play TF2 I usually spend about 25% of my time in your server, but im liking the tf2 no crits more and more every day. So I love to play on the servers and like the community you guys have and id like to be part of it.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play? Yes (between the 2 servers)
Are you active on the forums? I can be if required.
Do you have a mic? Yes
Are you in good standing with the community? Yes
Are you at least 19 years of age? Yes
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