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Jamaica!!!!!! :D

Leavin for Jamaica in two days!!! Sorry to leave you all again ;) this times its only for 8 nights.... not like 3 months cause of school haha.


2012 Troll of the Year
lol sweet bud, I just about went there, but mexico won out.
take pics bud, and have fun... ooooh bring me back some jamaican rum


TD Admin
take pics bud, and have fun... ooooh bring me back some jamaican cock
get one from here man. is cheaper.

Broze, have fun and all the rest ;).
Haha, thanks guys, should be a good time. Will definitely take pics, and try not to notice massive black jamaican dicks, but I'll see what I can do for bringing one back for ya leroy lol. Forsure goin to bring back some appleton rum though :D