• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

It's Nice to Meet Everyone!

I'd like to start by saying that I recently joined the DARKLY community, but I do plan to be very active in the community!

My name is Emmanuel and I am 24 years old. I actually started playing Team Fortress 2 about a week before TF2 became free. This made me quite furious, until I found out I had the benefits of being a Premium Member.

I'm currently an avid trader on the Darkly trading servers, and have earned quite a high notoriety(A good one of course) on the Darkly Chicago Trade Server #1, hit me up on the server, maybe we can do some trading! (Currently my name is DARKLY Mastersage)

That's it. Not much, I am not THAT great at introductions, but when it comes to trading I know it like the back of my hand!