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Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or a Whistleblower?


TD Admin | Bacon
You just named a bunch of countries who rule their people just like the US.. actually, probably not as bad as the people of the US are ruled.

Yao fucking Ming OG buckshot jr must be the MR's replacement for anti-american garbage posting.

I must just not drive through the neighborhoods where my government keeps its Concentration camps. I go to the crazy fringe political rallies/protests, I must just leave too early to see when the government rounds them up to be taken to prison for expressing their views.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Yao fucking Ming OG buckshot jr must be the MR's replacement for anti-american garbage posting.

I must just not drive through the neighborhoods where my government keeps its Concentration camps. I go to the crazy fringe political rallies/protests, I must just leave too early to see when the government rounds them up to be taken to prison for expressing their views.
lol You're so dramatic. $tve, don't take my posts are anti-American. Like I've said, it's not the people, it's the government. Canada is no better, we're in the same boat - just no one cares because it's not news-worthy. Canada isn't important, whereas the US is.