Well said Brades, I was going to say this as well. All the muslims, packies, orthodox european, voodoo afircaans etc. went to my Catholic elementary and high schools and they clearly benefited from them (they didn't get shot/stabbed in the bathroom, so that's a plus). There's no discrimination other than the title of the school, which is really easy to get around.
As for all of this apparent "brain-washing" you folks are speaking about, you need to be enlightened. In elementary, yes, you do minor religion courses - let's be serious, it's more about self-esteem than anything else: "I am special too, I should love myself" etc etc. That ain't so bad, considering half of these emo kids now-a-days cut themselves and paint their hair fuckin green.
Regarding high school and it's magical ability to brainwash you with all of its mighty Catholicism - well, again, that tricky Allah must be tellin you folks lies again.. MAN that guys funny!
There's one religion course in grade 9, that's IT. And again, it's all about, "Hey, I should be nice to people even if their rude to me" type shit. That's called being human, in my eyes.
So really, it's not so bad, and considering that any kid, regardless of belief, heritage etc. can attend, I find I had a great upbringing with all of these types of people and it opened my mind up to accepting all kinds of people. I think it's just fine the way it is :)