[INVITED] Y Not... third times a charm...

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Taylor Sith

TD Member
Game Handle(s):=Taylor_Sith=
VAC Status: In Good Standing
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: I never thought of this but yes Gamersvault.net (srry guys shoulda mentioned that a hundered years ago..)
Real Name: Andrew
Location: Parma Heights, Ohio
Favorite Games:Battlefield Bad Company 2!!!!! Counter Strike Source, Titan Quest, First Templar, and of course Call of Duty
Interests:Boating, Camping, Outdoor shit, Video games(obviously) Women.... hahahahaha
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly? I still believe this is the best place to be for CSS and now Battlefield.... plus we got the scrim server back up and we have new friends now..(welcome Blackpulse)

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play? Yes(though I've changed names so many times I don't know if the stats show it)

Are you active on the forums? yes....here and there

Do you have a mic? Yup

Are you in good standing with the community? haven't been around a whole lot with work and all.... hopefully work will lighten up some so I can try devote some more css and battlefield time...

Are you at least 19 years of age? ... hmmmmm lets see ......19 + 12 = 31!!!! hoooolie Shitt I am

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
post moar on the forums with videos of your crazy antics, +1 I hope you get in, and I hope you like sex!!!!

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
here's some antics for ya


Taylor Sith

TD Member
i hate to tell you this mike but we haven't don't any bottlerockets in like 2 years... who knows might pull it off soon if i do i'll post it

Taylor Sith

TD Member
Alright thanks to a friend of mine at work and her camera phone here r two pics of me being......well me on WAAAAAY TOOOO much caffine


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