[INVITED] tinyClark Application For TD

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TD Member
Game Handle(s): tinyClark
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:10709889
Previous Clan/Community affiliations: Blackpulse
Real First Name: Matt
Age: 19
Location: RI/CT US
Favorite Games: CS:S
Interests: Electronics, Robotics, Software
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly?
Because they are amazing. Been around with Blackpulse for a while, play in the TD servers just about every day, and love the community.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 3 months on the server with at least 100 hours of play? Yes
Are you active on the forums? Ehhhh Used to be more so
Do you have a mic? Yes
Are you in good standing with the community? Yes
Are you at least 18 years of age? Yes


TD Admin
+1 great guy right here, he has supported DARKLY since the merger, and deserves a TD tag. There are a couple other BP members that should have the tag if wanted as well, but this is my opinion.

On a side note, i really miss the aim_gg server :(


TD Admin / Queerbécois
Great guy, funny to play with.

As Chief stated, BP should be able to get the TD tags. As for I know, since there's no such list, there's only 3 or 4 BP members still around... Maybe considering it would be logic.
Only my 2 cents.


Future Ban List Occupant
+9, you would have gotten a +10 but I still remember the time you used Admin to fucked me with no-clip in the crackhouse server... lol


TD Member
Impossible! I dont have access to NoClip! XD
May have played with the gravity a little though......... xD
Do i get an additional 1 now? XD
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