• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Interesting intro


I'm New Here
Hey guys! I am to some extent new to the TF2 community and i figure that it would be good to introduce my self in some communities. Well to start off my name is Chris and i do not play TF2 as often as i would honestly like to. I tend to lean towards the trading aspect a bit more than the game its self. I enjoy playing some CSS at a friends house, since i dont own the game my self. I live in the NY area and i am a big skateboarding fanatic. I will be able to spend a decent amount of time mucking around at darkly because i recently had a spinal fusion surgery and i cant do everything i would like to. I had an L5 S1 fusion October 1st and since i cant skateboard for a few more months or football and such, i figure i would make some friends here and have a good time hanging out with you. If you have any questions regarding me as a person or my surgery or what ever, im a very open person and i really will answer what ever ya guys want. I'm not sure what darkly's stance is on idling, since i cannot sit in one place for a long time with out my back becoming sore, i made a LOT of idle's so that i can still have weapons and hats to trade with you guys. I accecpt all your guys friends requests if ya wanna play some game and such. I really hope to hear from you guys soon!


TD Admin
Welcome to the forums ! They are trade servers so idle as long as you want. Have fun and enjoy ! :flerp:


I'm New Here
Thanks man! Awesome to hear that this community isint up in arms about idling. If you want to add me, you seem like a cool guy and id love to play some games with ya some time!

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
Welcome to the community, please tell me more about your surgery, post pics if you got em!


TD Admin
Thanks man! Awesome to hear that this community isint up in arms about idling. If you want to add me, you seem like a cool guy and id love to play some games with ya some time!
If they are regular maps such as payload, CP, CTF, etc you wouldn't idle on those servers. I'll add you for sure and play sometime.


I'm New Here
Sure thing! My surgery was October 1st, at 1 PM in the afternoon. So if any of you have had surgery before or know about it, they are usually on time with it. Unfournatley with my luck, they were 3 hours late because there were problems with the anesthesiologist. So after about 5 hours of surgery i came out with 1 metal rod and i think 4 screws. Was in the hospital for 6 days and while in the hospital i had some intresting adventures. I did not take a poop for 4 days. In that time i had 2 papa john pizzas and a cheesburger. So all that sitting in my stomach for a few days was not the best feeling in the world as you may imagine. So on friday night the gates of hell opened and i was relieved. While in the hospital for those 6 days, the first 2 days were spent flat on my back in one of the beds because during surgery, they found a lot of dead tissue so they had to put some sort of glue inside. The next few days were trying to stand and walk and do simple tasks. As the days went on i gained more strength and power and i finally felt well enough to come home. I took the (what seemd like hours) car ride home and i went right to sleep. The next week or so at home was me sleeping, watching Breaking Bad, playing Borderlands and eating pizza. After that week school tutors had to come to my house so i would not fall behind, but it was only for an hour or so 1nc a week. After about a month of being home i returned to school and tried to resume a normal life. With minor pains here and there it was a fine next few months. I cannot do physical activites such as running and playing football and skateboarding untill late june or early july. This is because the bone needs to grow around the screws and rod. I could not have asked for a better hospital to stay at and a better staff to help me. There are no regrets with the surgery and it has made my life so much better, before i was living with pain that caused me not to live life to its fullest. Now since i cannot do a lot of physical activites, i decided to dedicate a decent amount of time to TF2 affilated communites and such. Meet new people, make some friends and really help how ever i can. Tommorw ill post a before and after picture of my spine xrays. When i post it you can still see i have scoliosis in my top half, and they wont fix that they say because it is not bad enough. Does not cause any problems though. I have some intresting stories ill share with you guys in the future about my time in the hospital.


I'm New Here
Welcome LinuxTuxLibrary, hope you have fun on the forums. I can see from your introduction that you are very much an open person, hope the surgery all went well and sorry to hear you had to go through that. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Nice to see you're into skateboarding, its been a few years for me, but I used to skate a lot. I wasn't that great at it mind lol, but I did manage to get some tricks down, and I could ride quarter pipes and ramps at my skate park no problem.


Staff member
Shit man, good luck with the recovery! Thankfully I've never needed surgery yet, not shitting for days would be a horrible experience.

Welcome to Darkly, hope you Enjoy your time here :)