i never understood the reason for people going to tekksavvy. all you're really doing is paying a third party for bell or rogers service. that's the whole reason they're cheaper; because they don't employ technicians to fix physical problems so basically if a rat chews through a line or any of a dozen other problems arise tekksavvy is powerless to fix it and the REAL providers won't get off their asses for the likes of a third party subscriber.
i'm with bell myself, i'm not gonna get all technical but my speeds are fast enough that i literally never actually pause to think my internet is slow. if shit is slow, it's always the server not my connection. 60 bucks might be a bit of a pill to swallow for the 100gb cap but it's peanuts for the peace of mind that comes with fast service that's been over 99% consistent for me.
but hey, if you'd rather save a few bucks and tear out a few more loose hairs with headaches, go ahead and call up tekksavvy i'm sure they need the business.