Inquiring about current status

It's been a long time since I've actually touched TF2. During my long rest, I contemplated about whether to pick the game back up again. I've decided to do so, and I'm interested about my status of being a admin on TF2 Trade Servers. I use to be a admin on two main servers until I quit. But what I'm really wondering is whether I'm still an admin, or if not, that it would be possible to make my status become an admin again. Or do I have to reapply to get the status of admin back?


Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Your admin was removed for the reason you mentioned; you haven't played in a long time. We expect our Trade Admins to be very active players, and if they disappear, we remove admin.

Do you have a minimum of 1 month on the server with at least 50 hours of play?
You don't have to apply again, just put in the hours necessary and you'll be given admin again. Although you'll probably be reinstated before that if you're planning on sticking around this time. :wink:
Haha, well I apologize for not suddenly quiting. I'll definitely be on the servers frequently starting this week. Thanks for the quick reply!