Increase Map Rotation

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So I have been putting my hours into playing on the TF2 server, and it's been good fun. But now it gets a little old, playing the same few maps. I was thinking why not add a few more PL maps to the rotation?

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
+1 Here's the problem we've been having: People are too picky, and any new map empties the server... If you know of any really popular PL maps, post the links so we can have a look at 'em! :D


Professional Cocksucker
Pretty much what Bj said. We'll add the "popular" maps and when they get played, server empties. Half the time people dont know what they want themselves.

If you do indeed find maps that are popular and will be played then like was said above, post the links and they will be looked into.
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