In need of some ideas


TD Member
You can tell cheap shit PSU's from weight, I shit you not. Shitty PSU's will be under 5 lbs.
A heavy PSU doesn't always equal good but a light one always equals shit.

There is another OCZ 500w that was cheaper on that site.

Except for those PSUs made of cement.

Better PSUs are made heavier by the toroidal core chokes that filter the juice for a steady supply. They're made of iron wound in bronze so cramming in a few more of them adds weight fast.


Staff member
lol yea Sal
Which is why Heavy doesn't equal good :D
Fucking cement tho.... jesus.....


TD Admin / Wanker
Just ordered everything! :D

I've never mounted a PSU on the bottom before.
Do I do it fan up or down?
I've seen people with it up..but the Chaser has that bottom fan filter...suggesting you mount the fan downwards...


TD Admin | Bacon
:thatfeel: >>That feel when you will never be a member of the elite TD-HAF 932 club.

Zacky knows that feel.