holy fuck, steve apologized.
the end is nigh mother fuckers.
BJ, make your way out west and we'll survive mother fucker, STAY ALIVE, avoid the bandits and don't wear red clothes you newb. also, avoid post offices. And walmarts.
You have to understand I come from a place where you never see people wearing turbans. Minnesota has a large muslim population, but traditional garbs are rarely seen. Using the two mens turbans as a descriptive for them as people, was not meant to be HATEFUL. And to be fair, REGARDLESS OF WHO WAS IN THAT BATHROOM IT WAS FILTHY(I am sure everyone contributes to that, not just one religion or race) hence why the whole situation.
Being incredibly uncomfortable with a new situation/environment/culture does not = hate.
Slawek, I understand your point and agree it was tasteless what I said, I should have picked my words more carefully. However don't make it out like I was going off on some muslim racist rant, because I wasn't. Merely recounting YYZ's FILTHY conditions, and my surprise at seeing turbans so frequently in Canada. Being uncomfortable with new cultural experiences =/= being a racist.
This is why Toronto Island Airport tried to ban cabbies from using the washrooms... they shit and piss on the floor like they do in their shithole stank ass country. http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/201...rs_raise_stink_at_toronto_island_airport.html
holy fuck, steve apologized.
the end is nigh mother fuckers.
BJ, make your way out west and we'll survive mother fucker, STAY ALIVE, avoid the bandits and don't wear red clothes you newb. also, avoid post offices. And walmarts.
Thanks MetalLobster...
On a side note, I grew up in Kitchener, lived there for over 25 years...
Ahh. Do you notice see a racism problem in KW? I've only worked at TMMC for three years and lived there for a bit.
Honestly, no different than anywhere else I've lived in Ontario. The majority of my friends were a mix of white and indian cultures tho, I only had a few close asian friends so I can't speak for that particular culture.
It's hard when you're not in someone elses shoes to relate, I can only go by what I see first hand.
Yep. Pretty much.Kitchener is a predominantly German heritage city that used to be called Berlin so take that as you will.
I grew up in Trenton, ON little piddly town of 16000 white people, there were literally only a couple Asian families and one African-American family that moved there when I was like 16. I didn't meet brown people until I moved to Oakville when I was 23. I look back now at a lot of people I know in Trenton and they're not racist by hatred or any such stupidity that white is right, but it's by ignorance and a lack of cultural understanding. Everything they know they learned from TV and stereotypes because they've never met other cultures. I'm not trying to make excuses but some places just be plain redneck.