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i'd like to unbanned again.

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Long story short, I just tried hopping on after a day or two of not playing & it said I was banned. Fucking cool, no idea why. I talk to a handful of TD dudes on my steam friends list & they tell me it's cause I ran DX7 and then made an attempt at DX6 on the server....ok. Allow me to quote from one of the conv's:

"yeah, i was using dx 7 for the longest time to get my comp to work, then when some server rule switched over, i tried to swith to "dx 10" which in autoconfig language is dx 1, which by my guess cs:s defaults to the lowest of 6....and now I play at 10"

What I was trying to say is that I missed a 0 in that fucking autoconfig & that's my guess on why it attempted DX 6...the lowest common denominator? Anyway, I've been running dx 9.5, the combo of most stable & graphically pretty version so far now that I have a computer that I dont have to strip down just to play the game, and maybe someone should check the fucking logs on that if they're available, cause quite frankly I'm insulted at this point that -any- regular on TD would consider me a cheater, much less ban me to merely "get my attention". If you've got something to say, just fucking message me or something, there's no need to be subversive or muscle-flexing about it.

At the time of the initial, "wtf, it says I cant use DX7 anymore" mixup, I was talking to Spinny on steam friends at the time about it & he was playfully giving me shit, so ask him & I gaurantee he will verify everything I've had to say. Although I'm good at this game, I'm not nearly nerdy enough to have a full handle on how to operate this shit 100% of the time, especially given how much I drink, so I fuck up sometimes....and apparently that'll get me banned. Lame, but I love playing on TD, so here's my drunken, angry, failed new years appeal. Kthxfcknbye.

-Adam, KF, PEHDSCKJUMBA, a million other fuckin retard names.


TD Member
Looking into couple things Ketchup I banned you. Will get back to you.

Also no one posts in here except me and ketchup.
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