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i want to kill myself


TD Admin | Bacon
just hire a black guy to hide in the shadows and make sure nobody goes near you. you wont even know that he is there


You have the worst fucking advice(or jokes) that I have ever heard.

I hope you get gang raped by 8 black dudes.


TD Admin
so my sister goes to a bar last night and she gets up to go to the bathroom and these two big guys are standing and blocking the way and shes like "excuse me" and then one of them says "So TWO big guys corner you in an alley..." and Aimee's like "haha..move please?" and they just stood there. "I guess I'll just sit down then"
If I had been there I would have broken a bottle jabbed and twisted.
some guys are just dicks.


TD Admin | Bacon
See that's fucked up.

I would have at least found a way to hit on your sister without coming across as a dick.

:] <3


Staff member
If I had been there I would have broken a bottle jabbed and twisted.
some guys are just dicks.

I think i would have enjoyed watching that.

Personally i think most of these idiots deserve castration.
steve, let me ask you something.

if you were chillin at your house and you heard someone breaking into your house, who would you want to be by your side?

*cough* leroy *cough*

you see, sometimes i wish i was fork and had leroy next to me wherever i am, including in bed *homosexuality*

no i never wish i was fork, im lying


TD Member
i have those same sunglasses mandy. they are pimpin fo sho
hahahaha whooo!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
[quote1261246370=OG buckshot jr]
.. Even if you're not amazingly sexy/gorgeous, there are guys out there who think you are...


i dont get it either

and yeah, thanks 35. it was funny though because i was alone outside around the lake shore thursday night--terrified--but nothing happened.


I'm saying either the guy's a fuckin creep or he's honest, one of the two (referring to the &quot;your beautiful, let me shake your hand&quot; bit)... I'm not giving my opinion on YOU, I'm saying it as a general statement.

So thanks everyone for assuming that hahaha


TD Admin
Dude it will get worse as you get older believe me!, its all in your attitude and how you handle it after the fact! men are wierd, its when you get the wierd women hitting on you that really throw your game off!! and lol bj how could you not think it would be taken like that ugh WERE GIRLS amazing ones at that

but yeah however creepy or gross take it as a completely you twisted there world for a while

&lt;3 HAZE


TD Admin
[quote1261518260=OG buckshot jr]
Damn... sensamative mofakas... :/ lol

^ What a &quot;tool&quot; :D

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Here's what goes on. I commented on this thread, and 35 feels like breaking my nuts (or he just misunderstands what I mean, and giggles away)... even after clarifying, he stills busts my balls..

Oh well...