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I Quit Drinking

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TD Member
My friend died in a drunken car accident sunday at 2 in the morning.

3 hours before that i was playing beer pong with him and my other friends. I drive home to meet my friend derek and i have a bunch of beer with me.

My parents are not home so we head down into my apartment and we are having a blast, drinking beer and listening to some punk music.

About 12:30 my girl calls and i'm not supposed to be drinking anyways, she doesn't like it so i'm supposed to stop drinking according to her.

Anyways, so we talk on the phone and i really really love this girl i've known her for 6 years and we've always had a thing for each other so we started dating recently, so i start to feel bad about lying to her and i've been drinking on an empty stomach and i've had way too many shots.

I break down and tell her and she gets pissed at me, goes off the handle and blah blah blah. The night ended in sobs and drunk hugs with my best friend.

The next day im hungover as fuck and i don't remember much of anything from the night before. I try to call Joe (the guy who died) to thank him for the awesome party and he doesn't pick up, his phone is off.

I stay home to recover and get ready for school. I go to school and its a fairly normal day, i hear rumors from some of my other friends that something happened to joe sunday morning and i couldn't get ahold of him so i started to worry.

I made a few calls and the end conclusion was this, He was killed in a car accident because the girl who was driving him around was smashed, they miss a turn fly over a hill in the grass, flip into a ditch and the girl ends up in the hospital, and joe ends up dead.

So between my girl and my friend's death, i have decided to quit drinking.

Life sucks, hard.

Edit : The last thing i said to joe was "hey man, care if i take a few beers home for me and derek?" and he says "he'll yeah man take whatever you want! i'll see you next time buddy!"

I guess there won't be a next time. I'm gonna miss you joe.
Sorry to hear man... I lost a friend way back to a car accident as well except it was a drunk driver that hit him and his family. They were coming home from their grandma's house on Christmas, he and his mother died, the father brother and sister survived. Life can be rough man...

Fork Included

TD Admin
i find it hilarious that you finaly decide to quit drinking even though you are like 3 years away from being able to drink legaly!

and its very sad MR that it takes the death of a loved one to realize how dangerous drinking can be.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
smart wait till someone is dead then think about it

drinking is fun and all but u goota be a bit smarter then to drink and drive some ones gonna be MADD....they have that in the us??

Fork Included

TD Admin
drinking is okay

drinking and driving, is okay

getting DRUNK all the time is... borderline

drinking while DRUNK, is most definetly not okay

Your friend made a choice MR, to get into a car with a drunk, dont bully yourself over it.


TD Admin
i hope fork hits a kid with his car one night he is drinking.

its drunks who assume their drinking hasn't gotten them 'drunk' and feel that only being 'plastered' is a point to decide whether or not to insert a key into the ignition.

if u have a full lisense you can have a dinner and a few drinks so long as ur BAC is 0.08%. Even at that number there is still a greater chance of having an accident with ur vehicle. Not saying having dinner n wine is a bad thing.

If you go out n pre-game with 2-6 beers then head out later assuming ur okay to drive, then you're a dumb fuck who deserves to learn a harsh lesson by getting slapped in the face and a ticket to jail.
Sorry Fork but drinking & driving is not ok, a ton of car accidents are causing by drunks, i'm sure you'd think differently if you've lost someone due to D&D.

Fork Included

TD Admin
[quote1227049828=TD|night blade]
Sorry Fork but drinking & driving is not ok, a ton of car accidents are causing by drunks, i'm sure you'd think differently if you've lost someone due to D&D.

read what i said

DRINKING and driving


driving while DRUNK

i have been pulled over by ride many times, asked if i had to drink, to which i replies "yes i have", promted by "how much" i would answer "2 pints", half the time i was let go on the spot, the other times i was asked to blow into the tube, which i did, no more than 0.02, and i was let go with a friendly thank you.
Sorry to hear that MR. But seriously you and your friends are too young to drink and don't think of the consequences enough (that's why there's an Age Limit in every State and Province). Hell some adults don't either, but this is certainly a tough way to learn.

My condolences to you and your friends and especially your friend's parents.

[quote1227049539=Fork Included]

drinking and driving, is okay

drinking while DRUNK, is most definetly not okay


Ok these two sentences are somehow mixed up. mixed together?
Clearly Drinking and driving is NOT ok.
drinking while DRUNK, is the only way I know how.

Fork Included

TD Admin
i hope fork hits a kid with his car one night he is drinking.

if u have a full lisense you can have a dinner and a few drinks so long as ur BAC is 0.08%. Even at that number there is still a greater chance of having an accident with ur vehicle. Not saying having dinner n wine is a bad thing.


so you hope i'll kill someone and then you say that its okay to have a few drinks with dinner?


drinking vs getting drunk, two very, very different things, and yes, i do know my limit.

you can CHOOSE to not believe me, but had you known me personaly, you would know how many of my friends regard me as the most responsible and able driver out of anyone they know.

but you dont know me, so you assume shit.

Fork Included

TD Admin


Ok these two sentences are somehow mixed up. mixed together?
Clearly Drinking and driving is NOT ok.
drinking while DRUNK, is the only way I know how.


ohh shit missed that,

"drinking and driving" vs "driving while drunk"

2 beers + a burger is nto the same as 10 shots of vodka

Fork Included

TD Admin
again all i'm saying is that MR should not be so hard on himself

"i will quit drinking because my friend died in an accident because the driver was DRUNK"

you have to learn self control and being able to listen to your body, know when to stop, thats all.

also, Taco, it has been proven that individuals who only had a little bit to drink are more paranoid on the road (same for stoned drivers), therefore they will actually try their very best to obay all traffic laws and check all blind spots and end up driving with more attentiveness than a regular, tired driver just trying to get home.


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
[quote1227051019=vinny paz]
Hopefully the funeral won't be on Sunday MR, we have a match. Remember.

of all thigns to say vinny LMAO


I'm New Here
well, i can see where fork is going with that, it makes much sense.(Know Your Limit) MR. Very sorry to hear about your buddy. i know of many people from my school who feel that drinking & driving is very cool, they're all stupid, trying to be "cool". and Like Kirock says. the age limit is set for a reason, which is why they have set in place the new laws as of today. look it up.

Once again.. MR sorry Budd, hearing about accidents is really killer man.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
hey MR, my sincere condolences to your friends' families and to you.. losing somebody isn't easy, doesn't matter HOW it happens... the point is, it could have happened many ways...unfortunately, it did, and now everyone has to live with it... I hope you can all cope as best you can.. Sorry buddy.. if you wanna talk about it I (and some other mature people) are here for you.

one love

vinny paz

TD Admin
I have no sympathy for those who make the conscious decision to drive while drunk. Your friend was very unfortunate to be driven by one of those people. and that really blows. You have my condolences MR... losing a friend is very stressful indeed.

And if my first comment offended you, then I apologize. Just thought maybe you could use a good laugh, even though you probably hate me for it. :p
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