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AIDS I eat cum professionally

Travis Bickle

Professional Cum Eater
The overweight transvestite player known as "KtS" asked me if I was "fucking mentally retarded", stopping what would've been a long insult after realizing she herself has downs syndrome. Omission was there and told me to "leave her alone," after my reply calling her simply a "retard." Her hillbilly boyfriend who is as much a roach in real life as he is in your servers decided to banish me from your realm, even though I have done nothing wrong.

Please ban both of these land whales and let them return to riding their mobility scooters to Wal-Mart.

-Travis Bickle

Travis Bickle

Professional Cum Eater
Clearly the land whale that banned me was mad, as the reason put in for the ban was "Being a cocksucker."

This is what happens when you give admin powers to mentally handicapped people.


-Travis Bickle

EDIT: I also just noticed the land whale that banned me is quite illiterate and possibly a high school drop-out, capitalizing the letter c in what should have been spelled "cocksucker." Nice one dumbass.

Travis Bickle

Professional Cum Eater
you did nothing but troll since you got in, you tried to troll all 4 admins, me kts town and omission, and are even trolling in your ban appeal, you are a cocksucker and will never play here again.

and kts isnt fat, at all, ujelly?

This is really unprofessional. The fat wad of butter known as KtS attacked me first.

@ Darkly Higher-ups: Please remove admin powers from this person. I was banned out of emotion, not reason.

Travis Bickle

Professional Cum Eater
You were banned because of who you are.

Only a sad lonely loser would try to troll someone for having a relationship.
Im sorry for whoever hurt you in life, but it's not our problem.


This thread isn't directed at you, land whale.

Travis Bickle

Professional Cum Eater
I mean, this person, "Roach," who has been falsely granted administrator privileges, is representing the Darkly Gaming community. Instead of replying respectfully, he calls me a "cocksucker [who] will never play [on the server] again." How can someone so emotional be given so much power?