• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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I am new HeRe! Hey all !


DARKLY Regular
Hey everyone, I recently just started rocking CS global here about a month ago and been hooked ever since. I have been mostly gaming in the NO AWP/TD server and i am loving it. Always a damn good time and good gaming on that sever! I have been playing with and adgainst a few of you TD boys and been loving it. You boys taught me quick on how not to suck. But hey dont me wrong i still have my piss poor games. But just wanted to say HI and i will see you all on the NO AWP/TD server ;)


Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the forums just as much as you enjoy playing on our servers! See you on TD! :)


TD Admin
Welcome to our forums/servers conrad CopenHagenPun. You seem to be a lot of fun on the servers.
I have only one complaint, you must adjust your MIC or buy a new as your modulation is unrecognizable.
See you in game buddy. :)


DARKLY Regular
Thanks everyone :) and chico is i might have to keep a eye out for him.Lol omission what do you mean? I do know my mic can be a piece when it doesn't connect and i wonder why no one talks to me haha. But any recommendations for a headset\ mic combo, I need to go do some shopping. I am tired of this stupid wireless headset....


DARKLY Regular
lmao thats fine i will make sure to knife or tase you then Olst haha. Then i will yell back in the french i know. JE NA SAIS PA or how ever the hell you spell i dont know in french...........


DARKLY Regular
Hahaha thanks man. And deeeeelllttta what the hell is up man. I see you lots almost every night on the server . Always a good time gaming with you, I will see you on there tonight.