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Howdy from 68cal

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TD Member
3d animation for the most part, school doesn't leave me much time for gaming but im getting bf3 for pc soon, and winter break is almost on so ill be hittin up css again too ;]


TD Admin
Right on bro! glad to see you're off getting your shit together, stick to it! Hope to see you on your break!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Word up! Seen your animation on facebook (some of it anyway) and it's lookin pretty awesome dude! Glad you're doin well, see you soon!


TD Admin
Roster is located in Darkly's Lounge. If you don't have access let us know so we can mark your account as a TD member...I could check now, but I'm lazy.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Roster is located in Darkly's Lounge. If you don't have access let us know so we can mark your account as a TD member...I could check now, but I'm lazy.

Considering he signed up with a new username, no he does not have access.
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