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How to have your place sounding classy.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
not bad, im all about ASMR now (search youtube asmr), thats the shit right there, makes your brain cum buckets, a well known ASMR sound that does the effect maybe a bit too harsh is the ole finger nails on the chalkboard, effects ure spine and and skull

couple videos the ASMR/jedi master bob ross no homo

and this one more to the point

theres a ton of asmr videos out there so good some fail anyhow....

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
yep this bad mother fucker does a better job then any neuroleptic ever could, love him :D



DARKLY Regular
Dude, if my neighbours heard me playing that shit, they would definitely think there is about to be some fucking going on. That's "Romancing the panties off of a lucky lady" sounds right there.