HooB's Team


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
LOL narf.... OK well we will figure out the ringers like an hour before the matches on thursday... if there are multiple people not there, you guys don't get first pick.... random if anything


Hacking Faggot
I will be able to make the match, sorry i couldnt make it on for the draft. Looks like we have the winning team here so spinny, you are officially banned from this thread. Hoober's team only.


TD Admin
LOL narf.... OK well we will figure out the ringers like an hour before the matches on thursday... if there are multiple people not there, you guys don't get first pick.... random if anything

Do you have a comprehension problem or something? See below.

Exactly. keep it fair, make sure we use the "ringers" first, in order.

First 1) MR
Second 2) glock
Third 3) skd_mrk


And I'll state one more thing Spinny, if you (or anyone from any team) get dropped mid-game (I don't care what your reasons are), there's no "pause and wait until you find a ringer" like last night where we nulled a round from each side. It's your responsibility to find a ringer as the match is happening -- how you do that is your problem.


TD Admin | Bacon
LOL narf.... OK well we will figure out the ringers like an hour before the matches on thursday... if there are multiple people not there, you guys don't get first pick.... random if anything

Do you have a comprehension problem or something? See below.

Exactly. keep it fair, make sure we use the "ringers" first, in order.

First 1) MR
Second 2) glock
Third 3) skd_mrk


And I'll state one more thing Spinny, if you (or anyone from any team) get dropped mid-game (I don't care what your reasons are), there's no "pause and wait until you find a ringer" like last night where we nulled a round from each side. It's your responsibility to find a ringer as the match is happening -- how you do that is your problem.

If someone drops out MID game, the team has to play a man down until they're 5th player comes back.

Teams may not pick up new players(ringers) as soon as they're first game has started.

.44 caliber

TD Admin
fuck that, ice for MR ain't fair :P ... MR has scrimmed a LOT!!! You only get MR if someone like Hoob or Auron doesnt show, ice is worthless anyways.... pick another ringer :P

no dibs on MR, I guarantee other people won't show as well.... you guys don't get privilege, fuck that!

ps. Prepare to lose your first game :D

pps. your thread has been hijacked

sorry to post in your thread, but he makes a great point. That would make a stacked team if he replaced anybody's guys. :( I mean I know I would'nt feel right if he joined my side. MR should be a sub-in for a cpt position.


Hacking Faggot
Team members - Let me know when the best time is for you to maybe go over some strats for season. I have some stuff we can go over =)


TD Admin
[quote1264863554=.44 CALiBER]
sorry to post in your thread, but he makes a great point. That would make a stacked team if he replaced anybody's guys. :( I mean I know I would'nt feel right if he joined my side. MR should be a sub-in for a cpt position.

So then what? Unless someone "good" bails MR can't play? My question is: would you (read as: Spinny) have jumped in and screamed IMBAL if it was some random with a 0.12 KPD? Plus, iCe's computer problems dates *before* MR's request to be a ringer so it's not like we're making this up. And it was probably for the same reason why iCe was a last round pick. To be honest I rather we didn't have to use a ringer because I haven't played with that iCe fag for a long time and it would be nice to give him shit in-game.

I can propose that we delay the game until iCe has PC fixed but many people may not agree to that...


TD Admin
Team members - Let me know when the best time is for you to maybe go over some strats for season. I have some stuff we can go over =)

HooB, with the exception of this afternoon 2-5pm, I'm pretty much ok. I don't have many plans this weekend.


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
[quote1264863554=.44 CALiBER]
sorry to post in your thread, but he makes a great point. That would make a stacked team if he replaced anybody's guys. :( I mean I know I would'nt feel right if he joined my side. MR should be a sub-in for a cpt position.

So then what? Unless someone "good" bails MR can't play? My question is: would you (read as: Spinny) have jumped in and screamed IMBAL if it was some random with a 0.12 KPD? Plus, iCe's computer problems dates *before* MR's request to be a ringer so it's not like we're making this up. And it was probably for the same reason why iCe was a last round pick. To be honest I rather we didn't have to use a ringer because I haven't played with that iCe fag for a long time and it would be nice to give him shit in-game.

I can propose that we delay the game until iCe has PC fixed but many people may not agree to that...

yeah exactly narf, ice was ONLY a last round pick because his computer is fucked and we all knew it... he shouldn't of signed up if one day after the draft your speaking of subbing MR in already....

I am just saying you don't have first dibs on MR, it's OK that he is the first ringer to be assigned... but assigning ringers shouldn't happen before like 8:30-9:00 on thursday night... and I am sure a lot of other teams will have no shows and will also need a ringer... I was just saying you don't get first priority to take him...

Stve do you have a ruling on this? lol


Professional Cocksucker
You guys have a strong team as is. If MR joins your team you guys will just roll everyone. Where's the fun in that?


TD Member
guys i understand the problem but we would apresiate it if you made a new thread to discuss the MR problem, rather than posting in here. its now 4 pages deep and only about 5 posts are from team hoob


and im free pretty much whenever for a practice round.


Professional Cocksucker
Incase you didnt notice Clash, the posts discussing MR are in regards to him joining YOUR team.


TD Admin | Bacon
[quote1264863554=.44 CALiBER]
sorry to post in your thread, but he makes a great point. That would make a stacked team if he replaced anybody's guys. :( I mean I know I would'nt feel right if he joined my side. MR should be a sub-in for a cpt position.

So then what? Unless someone "good" bails MR can't play? My question is: would you (read as: Spinny) have jumped in and screamed IMBAL if it was some random with a 0.12 KPD? Plus, iCe's computer problems dates *before* MR's request to be a ringer so it's not like we're making this up. And it was probably for the same reason why iCe was a last round pick. To be honest I rather we didn't have to use a ringer because I haven't played with that iCe fag for a long time and it would be nice to give him shit in-game.

I can propose that we delay the game until iCe has PC fixed but many people may not agree to that...

yeah exactly narf, ice was ONLY a last round pick because his computer is fucked and we all knew it... he shouldn't of signed up if one day after the draft your speaking of subbing MR in already....

I am just saying you don't have first dibs on MR, it's OK that he is the first ringer to be assigned... but assigning ringers shouldn't happen before like 8:30-9:00 on thursday night... and I am sure a lot of other teams will have no shows and will also need a ringer... I was just saying you don't get first priority to take him...

Stve do you have a ruling on this? lol

The game is not getting delayed.

iCe, we need to know, will you be able to play?


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
noooo :p don't show up for thursday :P ... you will know thursday night like ALL ringers :P


TD Member
noooo :p don't show up for thursday :P ... you will know thursday night like ALL ringers :P

Assign me to a team so I can practice with the people I will play with...

Strategy > pathetic rusty skills i have right now..


Hacking Faggot
I have strats for season. It will be fine =)

I was thinking about our tag boys. We shall discuss the tag and team name on vent if we meet up anytime before the match. If not, think about it a little bit until Thursday and we will share ideas. The winning team cant have no name ;)


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
I have strats for season. It will be fine =)

I was thinking about our tag boys. We shall discuss the tag and team name on vent if we meet up anytime before the match. If not, think about it a little bit until Thursday and we will share ideas. The winning team cant have no name ;)

don't worry hoob... we are called the Gaylords :P


TD Admin
im out pcs not working ordering new one this week so should be back soon... mr good luck... hoobs team 4life