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Just curious... is homophobia cool with TD admins? The reason I ask is because people can get banned for "being a cocksucker". As a gay man, I'm not personally offended by this because me and my bf jokingly do call each other a "cocksucker". But most other gays aren't so cavalier as we are.

As an aside, is homophobia a big thing in Canada? I know that racism is not and that gays/lesbians can get married in Canada.

Just curious... (not "bi-curious" lol.. bad pun)
lol nice one. I'm not that "flaming" but using frequency of sex as a measure, yeah, i'm pretty damn gay.


TD Admin
Sorry, no. I played on the server a couple times as "Ponch" though.

OK then, let me try and explain something (I apologize for my bad English. Not my first language).

When someone is getting banned on these servers for being a "Cocksucker", is not necessarily because he might suck cocks or be homosexual. "Cocksucker" is used as a label to the actual trolls with no fcking life that just waste our time trying different ways to be as annoying/retarded as possible.

Now whatever sexual preferences you might have, is not our business. Is true that there are a lot of weird jokes around here, but most of them are between friends and new comers are not treated with this kind of attitude - unless they ask for it :).

Does that sort of answers your question?
Yeah totally, I think what you're saying is that you and the rest of TD don't necessarily hate gay people, but using "cocksucker" as an insult much like in movies?


TD Admin
Something close to that.

However, the insult is not addressed to gay people, is addressed to those that are really testing our patience to the limit.
So don't take anything personal in here!

And if you ever have doubts, ask and people will clarify it.
An e-gay fellow! I'm so excited!

Seriously. Don't worry about it.

You'll notice TD has this love affair for the cock, so it's all good. I've been around a couple months, and trust me, it's cock all day n night.


TD Admin
One more thing though ... while playing on the servers, female nudity is accepted ... male nudity not really :).

Also, pornographic sprays are not allowed ... straight or not.


TD Admin
lol 35 you make no sense alot of the time

nobody cares about your opinion :P

Fork Included

TD Admin
we're the gayest CS server you will find.. anywhere

homophobic? more like heterophobic

we all love cock here, some more than others.

its all about context

if you are a cocksucker, ie, you like to suck another mans dick. You will find no hatred here.

if you are a cocksucker, ie, you're an annoying and disruptive idiot who hates life, then we ban you.

you will see lots of these dualities on this server.

on the other hand, if you feel offended by us using the word fag and gay as every day adjectives and nouns, then you might need to adjust your sensitivity...

Just curious... is homophobia cool with TD admins? The reason I ask is because people can get banned for "being a cocksucker". As a gay man, I'm not personally offended by this because me and my bf jokingly do call each other a "cocksucker". But most other gays aren't so cavalier as we are.

As an aside, is homophobia a big thing in Canada? I know that racism is not and that gays/lesbians can get married in Canada.

Just curious... (not "bi-curious" lol.. bad pun)


TD Admin
Dont think we'll stop calling eachother Fags just cuz you're around. :P We're pretty open minded people with very close-minded insults. Dont take any of them towards you seriously, It sort of becomes a canned response after you hang around here for a while.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Fork Included loves the feeling of warm cock against his face.


TD Member
Fork Included loves the feeling of warm cock against his face.