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TD Member
They are fellow Russians, and they feel like it's the way to go.... they sleep together 69 style so they can each have a warm cock in their face ;)

Fork Included

TD Admin
Fork Included loves the feeling of warm cock against his face.

no, yours, rawr


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
Fork Included loves the feeling of warm cock against his face.
any will do
hey upgrayed i'll show you how it works:
this thread sucks lots of dick. wish you hadn't started it, but that's the nature of cocksucking threads.
a dirty cocksucker of an ape

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Welcome to TD. We embrace the presence of straight/ or gays alike. If you need any advice on how to handle the term cocksucker, speak to one of our admins "Lord Spinny". He is well versed in the ways of being a cocksucker; however, we are not actually certain of his sexual preferance at this point in time.

Other references may include:
Fork Included
Shotgun Jesus
and Leroy.

If you're actually just looking to get laid:
Low Budget
Buckshot Jr
and/or Steve ($35 a head. He cant count very high tho)


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
[quote1270588626=.44 CALiBER]
Welcome to TD. We embrace the presence of straight/ or gays alike. If you need any advice on how to handle the term cocksucker, speak to one of our admins "Lord Spinny". He is well versed in the ways of being a cocksucker; however, we are not actually certain of his sexual preferance at this point in time.

Other references may include:
Fork Included
Shotgun Jesus
and Leroy.

If you're actually just looking to get laid:
Low Budget
Buckshot Jr
and/or Steve ($35 a head. He cant count very high tho)


what the fuck... I get the nod over all these fudge packers? ............... I feel special


TD Admin
[quote1270588626=.44 CALiBER]
Welcome to TD. We embrace the presence of straight/ or gays alike. If you need any advice on how to handle the term cocksucker, speak to one of our admins "Lord Spinny". He is well versed in the ways of being a cocksucker; however, we are not actually certain of his sexual preferance at this point in time.

Other references may include:
Fork Included
Shotgun Jesus
and Leroy.

If you're actually just looking to get laid:
Low Budget
Buckshot Jr
and/or Steve ($35 a head. He cant count very high tho)


what the fuck... I get the nod over all these fudge packers? ............... I feel special

You are bitch ... now get back in the truck.

I feel somehow the work of a troll at, uh.. work..

Yes, because being homosexual is trolling. Because only straight white males play video games, is that it? MY HEADSHOTS ARE JUST AS GOOD AS YOURS!!! (lol once again no pun intended :)
Speaking of which, whatever happened to that couple of mic spamming gays that we had on the server during de_dust_td two or three days ago? Did TD|ICE ban them?


TD Member
upgrayed welcome to the forums, stick around i think youll find that we are a pretty fun and very very sarcastic group of people who very rarely should be taken seriously. if i took half the stuff thease guys come up with seriously id be very depressed

secondly i just wanna say that creating this thread on Canada's largest gaming community as a gay man took guts and i dont think i would have done it. if i thought i was being persecuted against on the internet i would probly just ignore it and go somewhere else. you earned my respect


TD Admin
Upgrayed, welcome to the server and forums. I think I speak for 99.99% of us when I say that we're not homophobic*

We tend to make a lot of gay references in our jokes, but it's really just for shits and giggles.

Oh, and this has nothing to do with homophobia, but we had a gay player here before -- and that was cool -- but his in-game sprays was of his BF in his underwear that said "Property of Tarin" (or something like that), and that, was not cool. The same rules apply to you as they do to other players.

Please enjoi your stay with us.

* - applies only to forum members as I can't really speak for pubbies/non-regulars


TD Admin
gayest thread EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *snaps finger*

I LOL'd when I read .44's post and then almost fell off my chair at yours LOL *snaps finger* FTW