• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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welcome, officially i guess.

for everyone asking all the questions. it's a chick. she's a friend of mine, and vacates ventrilo with us in the starcraft 2 channel a lot. she is 'chris' (notnotnotnod on the forums now/ingame starcraft2) girlfriend anddddddddddd i think she was considering getting counterstrike. but whatevs.

welcome, hoe.

Easily will make my older steam accoutn with Counterstrike available to her.


TD Admin
LOL narf.. Im pro at math!! hehe loved it.. She was shooting with us last night! MORE GIRLS YAY... GIRL POWER ALL THE WAY!


TD Member
So there's Mandy, Hailey, Pyroette, Tricks, TaylorSith, Brains, and now Annaleise?

Correct me if there's someone missing


TD Admin
Welcome, let us know immediately if anyone harasses you for being a girl. We don't fuck around with that shit (unless you're like "hehehe, i'm a girl guys! hehehe). We make sure everyone is comfortable playing here.