• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.


Hello there!

Been on the server a few times throughout the year. Finally decided to sign up on the forums to see whats going on here. Hehe.

Hope to see you all on the server.


TD Admin (and LiR)
[quote1265212342=ALPHA APE]
look out for TD| Brains and under no circumstances accept candy from him.

haha welcome to the forums/ server!


TD Admin
[quote1265216620=ALPHA APE]
look out for TD| Brains and under no circumstances accept candy from him.

Well, I think she's over the age cap for girls that Brains would go for...but just to be safe, Char, you're over the age of 14 right?