We would need to have at least 10 active and DGN Recognized members in order to participate.
Meaning that someone from DARKLY has to actually have a roster that states that these people are part of the clan or community
officially, rather than being community
supporters. That's one of the things why I'm so eager to join TD, or if there is the chance, a TD/DGTF2 division.
Those are some pre-qualifications, Highlander, UGC, and Fastlane do theirs differently, you can view the full list here of competitive TF2 play.
As for Highlander specifically, regardless, we would need exactly, at the minimum requirement, 9 people (10 or more preferred in the event someone is unable to attend.) Traders and TF2 Trade Admins are generally frowned upon, due to prejudice of lack of skill, not competitive enough, etc. I could participate but no doubt I wouldn't be able to due to my schedule.
Hopefully DARKLY's Admin recruiting will bring in some more people that will be active enough to consider something to bother the gentlemen in charge about this. I would like to have a big badge with a shiny symbol stating we're somebody rather than nobody. XD