• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.


My name's Ted. I'm not particularly new to TD (I started playing in January?), but I figured I'd formally introduce myself. I go by either Theodore or Teddy as a nickname in game, but any nickname associated with Theodore will work for when you're talking to me :)

I like how TD is run. It's a good escape for an hour or two :) I especially like cats like Doctor who just laugh at everything. I never understood getting upset about video games. That's why I like TD. It's pretty light-hearted.


Hacking Faggot
Welcome? Theo has been around for a while if I can recall.

It's about time you got on here dude, welcome to the forums =)
If I ever have a foghorn, I shall request that it sound my approach to port with a thundering


so's all the tugboats be knowin' I am on my way.

'Yo, who be dat muthafuckin' big boat up there on the horizon, dawg??'

'Yo, *sucks teeth*, I can't bee seein' shit in this fog bro.'


'AWW SHIT!!!, It be Kerpes comin' into port! I hear he's hung like Alex Lifeson eatin' a banana!'

'Lean back.'

That would pretty much be how it went all around.

Thanks everyone :)

Like Hoob said, I've been around a while. I'd just not formally introduced myself until now.

And I had to Wikipedia Theodore the Tugboat. Haha. Oh Canadian television ;)