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Hi. My name is Tap. Im a convicted bro-raper.

I am just posting this b/c buckshotty jr. asked me to. so this is for you bro.

I've been playing CS:S for a few years and darkly is the only server I go in. So this post is also to squash all these bro-haters saying I haven't been here long enough to be this gay b/c I was having rage fits from being fragged in darkly before spinny was in TD so I'll be straight as a rainbow all I want.

I don't talk on my mic unless nobody else is in my house b/c I don't want to look like a fucking nerd, but I may have annoyed you in the past with a collection of sweet sounds clips. I don't play for months at a time b/c CS is waste of life that pisses me off and keeps me up all night and makes me not go to the gym and makes me spend less time with hot and sometimes not so hot and occasionally slightly or extremely ugly girly's who want to try to tease me with the possibility of seeing them naked. So what Im saying is fuck you guys, seriously, Id rather have blue balls than be awesome at counter-strike.

So lets get to know each other better mmkay? ok, super, lets do it! I'm 23. Im still in school, but they said they'll graduate me from 7th grade if I try to behave myself next year. I spend my free time doing brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay thai boxing, and collecting sea shells during sunset walks along the beach. And Im American. So I guess Im an asshole, but I like you fuckers. Y'all are cool, I got love for Canada, and here are some facts to prove it: I've been to Niagara falls three times - even the Canadian side, I like hockey, my favorite tv show - The Terrance and Philip Show - stars two Canadians, I love maple syrup - especially when its steaming hot and drizzled all over my chiseled abs, and Celine Dion is my wife.

ok! I'm so happy we're all the best friends ever now and I know you feel super duper just like I do!

p.s. in case any of you bro's and/or bro-hoe's don't kno what bro-rape is: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1714286

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i've been to the american side of niagaras falls once, never again.
yea the canadian side is better and it sucks you need a passport now but you can still go on the maid of the mist from the american side. btw, thats also my nickname for your grandma, she's limber for an old lady! just kidding, I don't know you or your granny but no offence, Im sure she's hot.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
+1 Narf

[CS] makes me spend less time with hot and sometimes not so hot and occasionally slightly or extremely ugly girly's who want to try to tease me with the possibility of seeing them naked.

But I lol'd hahahahaha
cool man see ya in-game

Sometimes trying too hard to fit in actually singles you out.
I don't want to try this hard to fit in. could you be a pal and pass me the lube? k thx!

[quote1279829905=dead mike]
cold and stiff more like it QQ

.44 caliber

TD Admin
welcome back tap, i remember your "Stayin' Alive" music clips when you were the only one left in cs_office. That was some funny shit. Shotgun Jesus is no doubt happy to have another hater of spinny around.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Welcome to the forums! I'm the anal custodian around here, and my main duty is to remove clogged semen from Shotgun Jesus' ass hole.
See you in game!

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
[quote1279902552=LoW BuDgEt]
... my main duty is to remove clogged semen from Shotgun Jesus' ass hole.
Which he does with his tongue.


2012 Troll of the Year
Sometimes trying too hard to fit in actually singles you out.

This is the kinda post that makes me love you more, barf.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
This is the kinda post that makes me love you more, barf.
He prefers to be called Nard.