• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Thought I'd stop by and say hi to everyone from south of the border. Jeroy suggested that I check out the forums. Good site :)


TD Admin
Sit back and Relax.Take your shoes off, have a few beers and stay for a bit. Respect your elders, try not to swear as it hurts their ears. Don't shoot anybody over 50 years old as you have an unfair advantage such as good eye sight, hearing, and reaction time. Let me think, one more thing I have to say..  Welcome to TD forums and servers! Cya in game PaintBB84


TD Admin
Sit back and Relax.Take your shoes off, have a few beers and stay for a bit. Respect your elders, try not to swear as it hurts their ears. Don't shoot anybody over 50 years old as you have an unfair advantage such as good eye sight, hearing, and reaction time. Let me think, one more thing I have to say..  Welcome to TD forums and servers! Cya in game PaintBB84
Hahah omission....you so crazy...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
heeeeeeeeeey it paintBB

so how many gulps goes it take ?