• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Fork Included

TD Admin
Hi Char, welcome to the worst and best place on the internet.

Here is your man.. resting on another man.. :D

(sorry Clash, but you posed for that one ;) )

Fork Included

TD Admin
LOL i forgot about that

you had like 5 different types of drugs in your drink that night.

I would check for a random growth on your body some time this week, you never know :|


2012 Troll of the Year
All of which are derivitives of the date rape drug, rohypnol. Its probably better that you don't remember...


TD Admin
Welcome Char! I'm surprised nobody has warned you yet, but...beware of Shotgun_Jesus.

Oh and if any random guys give you grief on the server because you're a girl, just let one of us and we'll be happy to dispatch him for you. :)

Oh man, now Clash will have to act all goodie-goodie on the server and on the forums...


Hacking Faggot
Welcome Char! I'm surprised nobody has warned you yet, but...beware of Shotgun_Jesus.

Oh and if any random guys give you grief on the server because you're a girl, just let one of us and we'll be happy to dispatch him for you. :)

Oh man, now Clash will have to act all goodie-goodie on the server and on the forums...

There's always pm Clash ;)


TD Member
nah narf ill still get drunk and fail at CS. and clearly this Thread alone has destroyed any hope of retaining integrity on the forums


TD Admin
and clearly this Thread alone has destroyed any hope of retaining integrity on the forums

No. There's a lot left in your integrity for us to talk about and utterly obliterate. :)
Welcome Char! I'm surprised nobody has warned you yet, but...beware of Shotgun_Jesus.

Oh and if any random guys give you grief on the server because you're a girl, just let one of us and we'll be happy to dispatch him for you. :)

Oh man, now Clash will have to act all goodie-goodie on the server and on the forums...

Lol, thanks Narf! And I doubt he's gonna be all "goodie-goodie"... nor do I expect him to be!