• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.


Well, finally decided to register for the forums since I've been playing here for a while now.

I'm 20 years old and currently a nanotech engineering student at Waterloo. I will be going into my 2B semester this coming summer. During school semesters, I live with r3volution who's also in the same program as me.

I've been playing this game since 1.5 and a lot has changed since then. If any of you have Xbox Live feel free to hit me up for some MW2.

Anyways you guys have a great community here and I enjoy playing here a lot.


2012 Troll of the Year
hey buddy, welcome to the forums and server... I enjoy getting headshotted by you over and over and over and over and over again...



TD Admin
During school semesters, I live with r3volution who's also in the same program as me.

How many times a week, on average, do you fags have gay sex?


TD Admin
During school semesters, I live with r3volution who's also in the same program as me.

How many times a week, on average, do you fags have gay sex?


There's no need to put "fags" and "gay" in the same sentence. It's redundant.

And on that note, Welcome!
During school semesters, I live with r3volution who's also in the same program as me.

How many times a week, on average, do you fags have gay sex?


Lost track auron but I'll be sure to keep track for you this year. ;)


TD Member
Welcome man, nanotech? thats awesome, iv always been interested in this. I remember as a kid i wanted to invest in some form of nanotechnology, but I had no monies

edit: I still have no monies
..., iv always been interested in this. I remember as a kid i wanted to invest in some form of nanotechnology, but I had no monies

You wanted to invest in something as a kid ? Like, you were 8 and your dream was to place money so you could earn interest ?