• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.


It's kind of embarrassing to live in Toronto and have never played on a regional or even local server. Before I took a break from games in general I used to be a regular on NoobSalad and an admin for Noobs101.

Am a Graphic Design student at Centennial College, and CS:S just happens to be one of the things to do to blow off steam after a boring class.

How's everyone else doing?


Professional Cocksucker
Welcome to the server/forums. I think it's safe to say most of the people here are doing great and are very gay (hAppy).

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Welcome to the forums Smitty! You just found one of the best gaming communities out there. We'll be more than happy to help you kill time on the servers lol. Enjoy your stay man. See you in game!


Hacking Faggot
SMIITTYY! help yourself to our servers, our forums, and any of our finest man-whores.



Hacking Faggot
SMIITTYY! help yourself to our servers, our forums, and any of our finest man-whores.



TD Member
yeah ccc, i took a break for a year, going back to finish

what where you in for ?

i when throu Digital animation i hated the school but the cource was awsome
SMIITTYY! help yourself to our servers, our forums, and any of our finest man-whores.


so dedicated

welcome brotha, what year are you in? I'm in fanshaw's GD course, good stuff!

im getting into the 2nd year, its a short program, 2.5 years

i when throu Digital animation i hated the school but the cource was awsome

not bad, where you in the game design room with the huge projector and dual screen desktops ?