• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

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Hey Guys


Hey guys, my name's ShootToMaim.
I'm a 23 year old kid who's been playing TF2 for probably way too long.
I spend my free time playing B-Ball and Soccer, as well as playing on Darkly Servers. Most of the time to trade, some of the time to idle.
I can only play on weekends :/. I have a job, and i'm in university. So don't get angry at me :D.
Nice meeting you all.


2012 Troll of the Year
hey buddy. welcome to the fold.

Avoid direct conversation with Shotgun Jesus at all costs, he's a satanist.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Hey shoot, welcome to DARKLY! Enjoy the forums, and see you in game if you ever decide to play css since i never play TF2 anymore lol. :lol:


DARKLY Regular
I'm not spending $50 on buying CSS :D. I have better ways to spend cash.
Like spending it on TF2.

My Cousin re-bought it last night. $20. Wait for a steam sale, get that shit for $10 (Though you're probably waiting until either June / July Summer sale or the Christmas sale. Just buy it! You know you want to!