• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Hey guys! I'm new


I'm New Here
Hey, how's it going the names slacked. I play in the Toronto Trade/Idle Servers on TF2 and the CS GO Servers.
If you ever see me on those feel free to say what's up! I've finally made my way to the forums and I can't wait to start posting and becoming an active member of the Darkly community! Thank you :)


Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
Nice to meet you slacked! My name is Stan (you can call me Steve if you want). You'll really enjoy getting to know people here on the forums! It is an awesome place to be when you're not playing on one of the Darkly servers. Also, a lot of people here like to joke around a lot so if you ever feel like someone is being rude to you they probably aren't they are just being sarcastic. It's all part of the Darkly experience! Anyway, welcome to the forums!



TF2 Staff
Welcome to the forums slacked, I always find it fun talking to ya on TF2 trade servers, and I still can't believe I like just like 45 minutes away from you xD