• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Hey all.......


TD Admin
Welcome to TD buddy, now sit back and relax, make yourself real comfortable and have a few beers as TD members are a little crazy at times. Cya out there dude. Enjoy!


Hacking Faggot
about time buddy. Welcome to the forums. May I suggest changing your name to Number One to avoid further confusion? =D


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i used to know a dude named Sohil. smoked mad opium :D


TD Admin
wow opium lol!

Hey buds way to finally make your way to the forums... LOok forward to the faggotry you will add! :D Heres to shooting