Heres an idea

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
No offense to any of the admins in question, but if the majority of the server voted for a map, you should not be making a map change or a map vote, just because YOU do not like the map. The only time admins should be making map votes/map changes is if the server is dead or dying, or in the event that a new map was added to the server and the people playing are up for trying it out.

Not making any threats here, but in the past, people have lost admin or the ability to change maps due to this reason. Because really, it is a kind of admin abuse (i.e if you did not have this power, you would not be changing the map). If the server population is not in jeopardy, admins have no business changing maps. Again, map change option is there to help populate the servers, not to change to to your favorite maps, just because you feel like it. If the players voted for a map and you don't want to play it, go do something else and come back when the map is over.

My two cents.

Taylor Sith

TD Member
The admin in question was myself and I switched the map from militia to frost.

Militia is a shitty map. I'm glad I switched it and might do it again in the future. Other admins do this as well because most of us agree on how bad this map is. Have a nice day Stuart.

to you its a shitty map..... to other people .44 its a fun map.. honestly I think the admin's powers to map switch should be limited to creating a vote.. if the vote passes alright then we play a new map... if it fails.... deal with it its life its a game for crying out loud.. have a nice day .44

Bgén Stuart Qc

I'm New Here
I just want to add that I wasn't doing this to get back at you caliber, I've always enjoyed playing with you. I just wanted to point out that it's really annoying for a lot of people. Theres a reason why people vote militia and it wouldn't be constantly voted if people wouldn't want to play it.

For those who tried to ridicule me because I speak french, i'll add that it's bigotry at the same level than racism. If my english isn't adequate to your satisfaction, then I am sorry but you should at least appreciate the fact that I do speak it and write it.

Thank you


TD Admin
True, If many people hate then remove it imo like nuke .... hate nuke so much I just leave.