Here's a question


A Little Darkly
Alright guys. I've been half assing Starcraft 2 for too long! I need to figure out how I can get my micro skills higher so I can play better and more efficient does anyone know any good build orders or build order testers that I could try out? Thanks in advance. I play Terran mostly btw.


A Little Darkly
Honestly, just practice 1-2 build orders for each matchup until the macro becomes second nature and you'll have considerably more time to worry about microing your army/scouting, etc. Try macroing away from your base only going back to place structures and drop mules, keep your vision on your active units. The more you practice it, the more time you'll have to micro and the more practice you'll get with effectively microing while macroing. It's a simple tip, but the fact is a lot of people can't do both easily. Once you get macro down and dont have to worry about, push your micro beyond what you can do, try doing 3 drops at once and swapping between microing each of them as needed. It'll be hard to do at first, but by forcing your opponent to react they'll be more hard pressed to defend and you'll get practice microing intensively. Even if you're a low apm player, your apm will start to skyrocket in those situations without realizing it with some practice.

There are some multi-tasking trainers out there: But generally I would advise to just practice doing a little more than you can handle until you can get a good grasp on it and just gradually increase the amount you're doing at once. By training your mind to handle multiple drops you'll be better prepared to handle the same thing from your opponent and you will have the multi-tasking ability to effectively micro a death ball really quickly


TD Member
...the more time you'll have to micro and the more practice you'll get with effectively microing while macroing. Once you get macro down and dont have to worry about, push your micro beyond what you can do, try doing 3 drops at once and swapping between microing each of them as needed.

haha sry, all i can think of when you mention macroing while you micro with your macros:


A Little Darkly
Thanks for all the info Hadriel, I'll make sure to do this! :D

np dude. You should try to find some regular practice partners around your level too. You can get them to use certain compositions until you get the hang of how to hold them off etc.

What level do you play at? I'm running an open tourney with a ton of players from bronze (even a few unranked) to high masters. My last one just wrapped up last weekend and it was a lot of fun, we've got a good group of people at all levels. Only requires 1 game per week and it could help you find some players to practice with at your level. Check the event page here and lmk if you're at all interested:!/events/144286379020547/ You can connect with a lot of solid players that can help you out with the nitpicky stuff. :)

You can hit me up ingame too, I'm a terrible player, but I can theory-craft and coach pretty well.
bnet id: mattcowan1989@
or hadriel.956


TD Admin
watch the pros! and if you can, play against better players in the custom games. witnessing their micro killing you first hand teaches you a lot.


TD Member
intentionally practice rather than play. as stated above pick a build for each matchup and practice the shit out of it. emphasis on one. checkout day9 daily for more protips. there is archive dailies specifically for what your looking for


A Little Darkly
Thanks for all the tips everyone! I really appreciate it and I'll do everything! These forums are sweet :P