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TD Admin
I put my signature on the AAA list and enroll at a Sleep Deficiency Hospital in Toronto. However, the AAA is free but the Sleep Deficiency Hospital cost a small fortune!

I’m asking for small donations from all TD members, this will help me take control of my situation. Please sent donations to: Omission20189@hotmail.com

Thank you for your understanding and compassion.


TD Admin
Omission.... I had the same problem... attended a &quot;sleep clinic&quot; ... they put over 50 leads on my head legs arms.... then said go to sleep but only on your back. I slept for 4 hours I think... got up .. a month later had an appt at the sleep specialist and he told me the best thing to do was >>> drink lots of Crown Royal and play CSS till the early mornings <<<< I think you are on the road to recovery.

Fork Included

TD Admin
AAA is the American automobile association...

AA i think is what you were referring to

and if you go to enough AA meetings you will soon have enough money to do the sleep hospital...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
im an insomniac myself. its mostly caused by drinking booze late at night.


Staff member
Just smoke a Dubie or 4.
That should put you right out at night, It does effect your REM sleep but if your not sleeping at all it's better then nothing.

AA meetings are bullshit IMO.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
take a few gravols, they are good to help going to sleep and relatively safe.


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i take some valerian root to chill me out before sleep.


TD Admin
yeah i concur just take up smokin pot kill one addiction with another lol!! maybe hash or rub not just pot!!! make yourself get up early as well tire yourself out. &lt;3


Staff member
yeah i concur just take up smokin pot kill one addiction with another lol!!

Addiction is a psychological issue. Marijuana tends to cause more of a physical withdrawl then psychological issues.

just FYI don't do this too often it will fuck up with your REM sleep majorly (TRUST ME)

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
100% true, my REM sleep is permed and I can't unban... I've since quit but my sleep is all lucid reality or eyes closed tossing n turning bs...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
tire yourself out during the day, physical activity
dont drink booze before sleep
Avoid stress
Avoid worrying about not sleeping
Avoid caffeine
Avoid nicotine before sleep

PS, i cant slep because of booze and when i do sleep, i toss adn turn all night and never dream. sometimes i wake up and i feel like i got beaten all night. the only somewhat good sleep i get is 10am-2pm, otherwise all night tossing.

edit: best fix is doing lots of physical shit during the day. i bet landscapers sleep like dead men. problem is that with all this lazy technology, people dont do enough physical activity to tire themselves out, like we were meant to naturally. we have energy to stay up longer, but the sun cycle doesnt wait, so out shit gets fuct up. instead of the usual 24 hr days , we got energy for 30hr days, cause we sit at the computer all day and eat.


Staff member
[quote1245860794=OG buckshot jr]
100% true, my REM sleep is permed and I can't unban... I've since quit but my sleep is all lucid reality or eyes closed tossing n turning bs...

A buddy of mine started taking Melatonin, 2 in the morning 2 at night (an hour before he wanted to sleep). He said after 2 weeks his REM sleep started again,

The greatest thing about Melatonin is that it's Addictive free and cheap/easy to find.


Staff member

edit: best fix is doing lots of physical shit during the day. i bet landscapers sleep like dead men. problem is that with all this lazy technology, people dont do enough physical activity to tire themselves out, like we were meant to naturally. we have energy to stay up longer, but the sun cycle doesnt wait, so out shit gets fuct up. instead of the usual 24 hr days , we got energy for 30hr days, cause we sit at the computer all day and eat.

This will fix sleeping patterns in the lazyness/lethargic person. But be sure you give yourself atleast an hour of doing nothing before you let yourself sleep.

But If your a real insomniac, it just makes you body hurt. I didn't get any sleep (barely 15min at night) for over 2 weeks and doing any kind of physical activity just made me want to die. Usually real insomnia is caused by some fuckup in the brain, or emotional issues.
yeah i concur just take up smokin pot kill one addiction with another lol!!

Addiction is a psychological issue. Marijuana tends to cause more of a physical withdrawl then psychological issues.[/quote1245864283]


I have an alcoholic friend who would make most alcoholics look sober and requires hospitalization for the very phsycial withdrawals every time he tries to get off a serious binge.

I myself was an alcoholic. I didn't need to be hospitalized, but I couldn't get through a day of work without downing four or five shots of gin at lunch. I couldn't leave the house without a bottle in my glovebox, and for over a year I was sauced whenever I drove anywhere, during the day or night.

It was bad, but I didn't know that for the longest time because I'm one of those people who can put away infinite amounts without losing grip of my rationality or memory. but when I lost enough friends because they had to keep taking away my keys and I'd take them back and sneak off after they passed out then I realized how serious that shit was.

It's easy for online friends to laugh at each other's serious problems and shrug it off as less serious than it really is when you don't see each other daily except for in the form of little digital CTs and Ts doing stupid shit like falling off heights in piranesi. But in the life of the addict, all the shit that makes good story telling is actually tragic because there is an underlying reason that's not always so obvious for why we do things to wreck ourselves and blur the bad memories away.

This is another reason I hate AA. I went thru a bunch of addictions not because I was weak but because I was in denial about all the shit in my life that I knew instinctively was wrong. AA doesn't solve that shit. AA gives you some horseshit about empowering you and yet all you see when you walk into the meetings is a room FULL OF POWERLESS PEOPLE!

They confuse you and get you to demonize your addiction instead of facing off with the problems that made your life feel so low that you turned to daily drug abuse in the first place. Then, even if you do succeed, all it takes is a forceful nudge to push you right off the wagon again.

I beat my addictions without the use of AA or NA and I'm not proud to be clean now because I don't believe that anyone needs to feel proud about feeling good all the time. I faced my demons, fixed my shit, and although I still think about blow and weed every now and then I just remember the good times I had doing them with friends instead of longing for the drugs themselves. I've talked to people from AA and NA and they constantly long for the drugs they're abstinent from. That's not a solution, and it should be evident by how high the relapse rate is for people in those programs.

so, Omission, if you really want help, then help yourself because nobody else can address the burdens you carry inside your head.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
start going to bed at 9:30pm and get up at 5 am everyday.

does that sound like a good idea?

also for real no booze before bed? whenever i have a beer in the afternoon i fuckin pass out or almost pass out a couple hours later, but i drink a beer at night, i also get problems sleeping, wtf, also try fapping more (5-6 times in a row), that may help you get to sleep too.
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