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Help! All TD members.

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TD Admin
[quote1253160344=OG buckshot jr]
Ya'll talk shit, jealous I'm from primigenia days (I never tagged up, just played with Drugz/Jam Anar etc)....

Anyways, my bro bought Source when it came out (we shared a computer, and hence his SID), and we found TD almost immediately... A player named WATCHYABACK introduced us to this server because of people, location, ping. So there it began......


- BOo-Radley, I remember you. Your fuckin OG, and i'm cool with you coming back... Good playing with you...

EDIT: I retract my eariler statement and have deleted it.
nobody asked for your life story there mr. i-wear-a-helmet.
p.s. see sig for more.


TD Admin | Bacon
BUMP BUMP BUMP. I got e-mails from Mahone still in my inbox from the old torontodarkly website, dates back to 2005/2006. I dont have all the free time in the world, thats why I was barely on. I was around when CCCP|osiris was an admin, and before mahone took over the server. I just wanted to be welcomed back to my old clan, not be harrassed by some admin junkies.

No need to talk shit, you've been gone for a VERY LONG time.

Simply put, your probably going to need to reapply. Recruitment opens in two weeks, so just show some activity, and that you are "back" and you will be a shoe in for the tag again.

The "new and improved(well sorta)" system is a bit different from the old TD app process. On october 1st application's are excepted and on the last few weeks members vote anonomously for who gets the tag.

If you don't want to put this much effort into TD, then I don't really know what to say.


TD Admin
I just wanted to be welcomed back to my old clan, not be harrassed by some admin junkies.

No need to talk shit, you've been gone for a VERY LONG time.
For real. This is not the same TD that you played on, and citing people like Jam and Mahone who are the laughing stocks of adminning on this server proves it. I don't know you but I probably like you if you just relax and understand where we're coming from.
lol dude i dont even know you either, and Jam has a bad case of A.D.H.D, yes i totally get the whole "different server deal" because i only see a few people i remember. Im not talking shit, im speaking whats on my mind. What ever happend to mahone and how did you get your hands on this server(who ever owns rights/website) .......I totally get where you guys are coming from, just didnt expecting coming. I assumed itd be the same. but without that asshole Osiris.
Well if it makes you feel better, that asshole Osiris isn't around anymore.
I remember that dude, where did he wander off to?


TD Member
without that asshole Osiris.

Hahaha, I like this guy; Osiris was a complete dick (still afew of those floating around). What I remember of Boo from TD 1.0 was not a lot; he didn't seem to be around too much back then either, but then again, I came around shortly after (maybe during the transition) of the whole primiginia phase (seems like a long time back).


TD Admin | Bacon
Well if it makes you feel better, that asshole Osiris isn't around anymore.
I remember that dude, where did he wander off to?

I'm pretty sure he and his boyfriend amylee got deported back to russia
I hated AmyLee too.. Who the f@ck names themself after a chick? Must be the loner type. Masturbation would be key towards his survival.
[quote1253223634=Fork Included]
i rock the Paris Hilton tag once in awhile

dont ask me why...
You fag!


2012 Troll of the Year
I hated the fact that he had a 9 ping and jittered all across the screen like a homo. Rates hacker.


TD Member
when i see TD|Paris Hilton, i want to drive me cock right in your backdoor. :) skanky blonde...

FYI: did you know all blonds pussy's stink ??!! it's tru


TD Admin
lol dude i dont even know you either, and Jam has a bad case of A.D.H.D, yes i totally get the whole "different server deal" because i only see a few people i remember. Im not talking shit, im speaking whats on my mind. What ever happend to mahone and how did you get your hands on this server(who ever owns rights/website) .......I totally get where you guys are coming from, just didnt expecting coming. I assumed itd be the same. but without that asshole Osiris.
mahone was an idiot and terrible at running a server. at first we all thought he was just terrible at running the server and couldnt speak english. so we were all patient and nice to him. then we realized he wasnt just bad at english, he was a total dickweed. his server (which was largely supported by TD members' contributions) was also hosting his company's shit. basically it made the TD server lag, have poor registry, and all-around suck. plus mahone wouldn't listen to his admins or the other members of the community. so, a few members (now the Head Admins) got together virtually all the TD members and admins that were active at the time and we all moved to our own server, to be financially supported primarily by the head admins. we invited Mahone to come along but, being the dick that he is, he refused to sell us the rights to TD.com and tried to maintain his crappy (and empty) server. after months of being empty, he took it and his website down, until recently when he set up the website again.

huff... THAT's what happened to Mahone.
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