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A Little Darkly
Hey guys, I am Jerk, a loveable and flawless *kidding* nerd who has spent long hours on Darkly TF2 servers #2 and #5. I decided to try and become more active with the community by starting to post and become active on the forums <3. Hello and very nice to meet you all.

Also, many people have been curious about my name, so I thought I'd say where it came from here. Well, like 7 years ago, I started playing Runescape, (please don't judge me, I was young). And in that game, I was given an account by an old friend named "Jerek Orbian" I then, being the dumb kid I was, started to use that name for everything but often shortened it to "Orbian". Then, it came to Steam, where my friend already had the name and account. So, I decided to go with something easy. Jerek was my name for a long time: that is, until I realized that nobody could pronounce "Jerek", and I was called "Jerk" far too many times by morons. I decided to simplify it and follow what everyone was calling me. Thus: "Jerk" was born. Thanks for reading if you did, <3 you all.