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Hello my friend, stay a while and listen...


I'm New Here
Hey there, I've been playing/trading on the Darkly servers for a little while now, but am new to the forums. So though I would write a little 'Hello' message.
I'm usually very active on my Steam account, have logged nearly 1000 hours just on TF2 and only had my account between a year to a year and a half. I'm a massive fan of gaming (top marks to anyone who gets the thread heading reference). The earliest I remember playing games was when I was playing tapes on a Commodore 64, and I've been hooked ever since. I currently play a lot of either PC games via Steam or I play my Xbox 360.

I don't think there is a genre of game I haven't played, and I'm a massive fan of playing unheard of or hidden gem games. There are a lot of talented developers out there who's work goes under the radar just because they cant advertise to the masses.

That's one of the reasons I love Steam, is there is a wealth of indie games and titles you just wouldn't ever see or hear about if you only shopped at stores or used sites like Amazon. To a degree that's also why I like Xbox, they aren't anywhere near as good as Steam for it, but they have a nice selection of arcade and indie titles.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my post, I look forward to making use of these forums and chatting to other members.



I'm New Here
Thank you Zackychuu, you seem to be the most active person on my posts lol :)

I see you've been a member since April 2012, but I assume you've been gaming much longer than that, what do you play?


TD Admin / Wanker
Well actually I've never been hugely in to gaming until recent years.
I've always owned a few systems, Sega Mega System, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboys and the like...but I never played them much.
There is also a lot of well known/well played series of games that I have never played, like Zelda, the main Mario games, and some newer ones like Halo and Assassins creed and things like that.
I would class it as being a casual gamer.

The main thing I have always been a huge fan of is the Pokemon series.
I've had at least one of every single new release, up until they released Black/White 2. I'm also not sure on X and Y either -.-
Even with those though, the only Pokemon game I ever fully completed was Saphire xD

Recently I started off with PC gaming because I watched a friend play Minecraft, and it went on from there.
What got me into Steam was the release of Terraria, a few of the friends that I got into Minecraft started to play it and got me interested in it.
After that it all kind of blew up and I started playing other games.

Right now I mainly play Minecraft, TF2, CS:S and CS:GO. I sometimes play The War Z and I started on Borderlands a few days ago.
But again, I'm still pretty much just a casual gamer, I'm not heavily into anything.


I'm New Here
If you spent most of your time being a casual gamer its not too hard to understand that you missed out on things like Zelda & Mario. If you get the chance though I would highly recommend going back and playing some of the classic because their gameplay and enjoyment hold up even by today's standards.
I consider myself a hardcore gamer, have been my whole life, but weirdly I managed to completely miss Pokemon. I never got the chance to watch it as a kid, and I never really noticed the games. I hear good things about them though, so I might have to actually get around to playing them :)

Minecraft is awesome, I started playing that when it was in its early beta build and I still play it today. I even bought the Xbox version just so when I have friends round we can split screen and play together. I think Minecraft is a perfect example of someone getting it just right. It's not the first game of its kind, and it certainly wont be the last, but Minecraft gets so much of it right and continues to remain charming and fun.

Obviously I play a tonne of TF2, I just love that game. I remember when I first got my Steam account I knew that was one of the first games I wanted. I think it often surprise people when I tell them just how popular TF2 is. Valve have done such an amazing job with it.

I cant say I agree with your decision to play War Z, but that's because I'm a Day Z player, and I think we all know deep down that War Z is a bit of a blatant cash in on Day Z's success. Though I haven't played War Z so I cant comment on whether it's a good game or not. How are you finding it?


TD Admin / Wanker
It's funny you should say that.
I actually recently came to a decision to try and get my hands on some of the older Gamecube games that I neved played when I was younger.
I still own my Gamecube so yeah, hopefully should get some Zelda games if I see any.

I think I started playing Minecraft around 1.2 or 1.3 ish. It is definitely a really good game :D
I don't own an Xbox though...But I did download the Mobile Demo to see what it was like.

I never fully understood TF2 at first, I kind of just downloaded it because it was free and because some people I used to talk to on Steam used to play it.
I don't really play it much any more, it's now just a trading engine to pass the time :P

War Z is awesome, no matter what any one says. A cash in on DayZ? Possibly, but that's one opinion.
Whether it is or not, they've still done very well with it. Sure, there are a lot of bugs, there has been a lot of conspiracy about a lot of different areas, but if you actually just play the game, and ignore all the shit around it, you have a blast.
Several TD members here have been playing it together, and they used to play DayZ with each other too. 90% of them will tell you that they are having much more fun with War Z than they did with DayZ.
It's all a matter of perspective. Depending on which side you're on, which stories you hear and which people you let tell you about the game. You will either love it or hate it.


I'm New Here
Nice, well if you can find it there is a fantastic collection you can get for the Gamecube which I believe has Wind Waker, Ocarina Of Time & Majora's Mask in one pack. A great trio of Zelda games. Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion are also 2 Gamecube greats. You will have a blast with all of them I'm sure.

I must admit I do a lot more trading than playing recently, but I still love it. Its such a great feeling when you finally find that item you were after for a good price. I remember when I first started and my first goal was to get one hat for each class, then that became one setup for each class, and has slowly turned into replacing every item with a strange version where possible, getting all hats and miscs that I want for every class, and now my recent mission is to get one Unusual hat for each class :)

I've always been a great believer in 'try it yourself before you pass judgment', so I'm definitely more than happy to try War Z myself. From what I've seen it does look fun, and it actually in many ways looks like a more polished DayZ. I think at the minute though I'm waiting to see how things go with the stand alone DayZ, and then I will have a better comparison. Its hard to compare a mod to a full game.


TD Admin / Wanker
Yep, those are some of the games I plan to get.
Those, and the Resident evil series, the Star Wars series and possibly Metal Gear and things like that.
The only problem is finding good deals, at the moment my only place to go is Ebay, I'm waiting for Car Boot season to open up again :D

I remember I had a goal to collect as many Stranges as I can once, I did strange trading for the longest time, so many good trades.
In the end I sold over half of them and just kept the ones I used.
As time went on I would randomly collect hats while trading and things, I never planned any loadouts and just used what I had. Sometimes I would end up with awesome looking loadouts without even trying. (My Spy, Sniper and Medic look awesome)
Then I had a goal to get myself a whole page of refined metal, I did that, and for absolutely ages I always made sure never to dip down past 50 refined.
Theeen...I started a collection of Dirty Brown bombers in every colour, still have 3 more to go with that.
I've set myself a target of a page of keys now too, so I shall get there very soon.
And I recently decided to actually plan out a loadout for some of my more ugly classes, buying random hats that I think will look good and selling them on if I on't like them xD It's got me back to trading properly again so I don't mind really.


Welcome to the forums.
No offense, but your title seems creepy :o.
I don't get the reference, so perhaps that's why.


I'm New Here
Yep, those are some of the games I plan to get.
Those, and the Resident evil series, the Star Wars series and possibly Metal Gear and things like that.
The only problem is finding good deals, at the moment my only place to go is Ebay, I'm waiting for Car Boot season to open up again :D

I remember I had a goal to collect as many Stranges as I can once, I did strange trading for the longest time, so many good trades.
In the end I sold over half of them and just kept the ones I used.
As time went on I would randomly collect hats while trading and things, I never planned any loadouts and just used what I had. Sometimes I would end up with awesome looking loadouts without even trying. (My Spy, Sniper and Medic look awesome)
Then I had a goal to get myself a whole page of refined metal, I did that, and for absolutely ages I always made sure never to dip down past 50 refined.
Theeen...I started a collection of Dirty Brown bombers in every colour, still have 3 more to go with that.
I've set myself a target of a page of keys now too, so I shall get there very soon.
And I recently decided to actually plan out a loadout for some of my more ugly classes, buying random hats that I think will look good and selling them on if I on't like them xD It's got me back to trading properly again so I don't mind really.

I think thats one of the cool things about TF2 is that you can set yourself these crazy goals. My friend the other day set himself the goal of trying to fill an entire backpack page with rainblowers, but he was only allowed to offer a straight swap weapon for weapon, he wasn't allowed to pay a scrap for one. He managed to get up to thirty something lol.

I dont know what I will work on next after my Unusuals. Though to be honest I imagine that alone will take quite a long time :)


I'm New Here
Welcome to the forums.
No offense, but your title seems creepy :o.
I don't get the reference, so perhaps that's why.

Lol, out of context it probably does sound creepy. Its a quote from Diablo, when you speak to Cain the Elder in town he says 'Hello there friend, stay a while and listen...'

Love that game :)


TD Admin / Wanker
My friend the other day set himself the goal of trying to fill an entire backpack page with rainblowers, but he was only allowed to offer a straight swap weapon for weapon, he wasn't allowed to pay a scrap for one. He managed to get up to thirty something lol.
Is he still in need of some.
If he is, he can check out scrap.tf and see if the bots there have any rainblowers.
You can give them a scrap for 2 weapons so its basically weapon for weapon :P

Salut! Bienvenue sur nos forums!

Frenchie go away


I'm New Here
Is he still in need of some.
If he is, he can check out scrap.tf and see if the bots there have any rainblowers.
You can give them a scrap for 2 weapons so its basically weapon for weapon :P

I think it was just a challenge for that day, so he's probably set himself another challenge now lol.

Frenchie go away

Haha nice. I assume the original message was something like Hello, welcome to the forums, but I don't speak French.