• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.

Hello Im new


I'm New Here
Hello and i am new to your servers. I have tried them lately the ones on tf2 the trade ones and i really like them. I think you did a good job in making the servers. Very friendly people to. There was one person who really helped me out and he name was DARKLEY{TSF} | Blitzkrieg he helped me getting to know the server's better and was a real friend to me. Well i guess thats all good bye


I'm New Here
Thank you for the Welcomes Blitz didnt sent me i just though i would put a comment about him sence he helped me out


Welcome. Heres a free sloth.



TD Admin
Welcome to Toronto Darkly Goszilla. Where everything happens for a reason, nothing lasts forever. Where anything goes.
Have fun. See you in game!