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Hello Again :)


Temp TF2 Banned
What's up guys, I was on a 1 year hiatus from tf2. I used to trade a lot and have fun times on the Darkly servers with a lot of people that no longer play. I started playing again a few months ago and since then, I've been very successful in the trading aspect of the game. I'm happy to help and guide any new players and traders, whether it be with learning prices, building up wealth, or breaking into the unusual trading game. You can usually find me on the more populated Darkly trading servers where I admin and say hey.

About me: I'm a freshman in college. I'm currently living in Ithaca, NY, but I'm originally from Chicago. I'm majoring in "Industrial and Labor Relations," which is basically a big mix of business, psychology, and law. I still have no clue what I want to do with my life. When I'm not studying, I'm making money off of TF2, which has grown to be a higher source of income than 90% of the jobs I could get while being a student.

That gives you a brief overview of what I'm like. I last introduced myself a year ago when I was a senior in High School and a lot has changed since then. I feel obligated to mention that I'm not a brony. My handle has been derpy long before the MLP show gave it a whole new meaning and now I'm really self-conscious about the whole situation so I just go by Puddles. Looking forward to playing with some TF2 bros :)