Headshot advice?


used a bizon tonight on season, ended up owning w/ second place on scoreboards, 48 points, i think ~21 frags and 15 deaths.
that thing is a headshot MACHINE


TD Admin
most of the player models have a distinct color for the head.
click on it.
when i start slumping and my headshot ratio goes down, i concentrate on aiming just a bit higher, think about shooting the very top of thier head.
also i find this crosshair is good for practicing/getting used to the hitboxes, but i switch back to a normal ch for actually playing.
cl_crosshairthickness 2
cl_crosshairsize 0.5
cl_crosshairgap -2
cl_crosshairstyle 4
its a circle
put the head in the circle, m1


TD Admin
I may or may not chime in with a more detailed response in the near future, but I just wanted to say that I don't think that playing MM (Valve, ESEA, etc.) is a good way to improve your individual skill. Yes, you'll probably get better game sense and strats through sheer osmosis from playing in that environment, but it's hard to improve aspects of your individual skill when you're dieing all the time to players that are better than you and then having to wait until the round is over to try again. At least in DM there are no consequences for dieing that really matter.

I see what you're saying, but she's already pretty damn good, playing in pubs makes you lazy and as fuck and you don't aim at peoples heads as much(especially cause there are a billion p90/shotguning random movement players) because you don't have to.

Also I didnt mention altpug, cause from when I played in it, it seemed like a much easier group of players. But it is free, so yay. lol

Idunnomang, catpoop


DARKLY Regular
I see what you're saying, but she's already pretty damn good, playing in pubs makes you lazy and as fuck and you don't aim at peoples heads as much(especially cause there are a billion p90/shotguning random movement players) because you don't have to.

Also I didnt mention altpug, cause from when I played in it, it seemed like a much easier group of players. But it is free, so yay. lol

Idunnomang, catpoop

No, :drool:
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TD Admin
I see what you're saying, but she's already pretty damn good, playing in pubs makes you lazy and as fuck and you don't aim at peoples heads as much(especially cause there are a billion p90/shotguning random movement players) because you don't have to.

Use an aug / sg, it's a lazy aim hs guns, p90/shotgun can't get you at mid range / long range. :thumbsup:


DARKLY Regular
I see what you're saying, but she's already pretty damn good, playing in pubs makes you lazy and as fuck and you don't aim at peoples heads as much(especially cause there are a billion p90/shotguning random movement players) because you don't have to.

Also I didnt mention altpug, cause from when I played in it, it seemed like a much easier group of players. But it is free, so yay. lol

Idunnomang, catpoop
I definitely agree that she's good.

liqvid, to be honest, I wouldn't put too much stock in your HPK vs. accuracy stats or someone else's HPK vs. accuracy stats in this server or any other pub server for that matter. People are warping around so fucking much in TD that it's amazing that we're hitting anyone at all.

I always keep my crosshair at head level, and I know how to play angles well, and this often isn't enough in TD due to server performance issues. I don't even bother trying to tap shoot in TD anymore, unless the opponent is extremely far away, and I've been quite successful with this approach. I don't have crazy good HPK stats, but I can kill lots of people in rapid succession with tightly controlled spray downs.

My HPK stats go up when I'm playing in 128 tick servers, and I'm sure that your HPK stats do, too. I have a DM server that I could recommend to you. If the admins don't mind me mentioning it here, I will. Or just add me on Steam.


TD Admin
Most of the advice here is solid and should be followed, however the nature of practicing on online comp. and DM makes it hard to see how you've improved. With offline practice, you can sort of mitigate the issues of online play and practice on your terms.

Here is my practice.cfg:

bot_kick all
sv_cheats 1
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0
bot_dont_shoot 1
bot_difficulty 3
mp_spawnprotectiontime 0
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0
mp_maxrounds 100
sv_infinite_ammo 2
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1
mp_roundtime 9
mp_freezetime 3
sv_grenade_trajectory 1
sv_showimpacts 1
give weapon_flashbang
give weapon_smokegrenade
give weapon_hegrenade
give weapon_molotov

Put this in the cfg folder, open up any map (preferably a small aim map), join t side and 'exec practice.cfg'. This will spawn 10 harmless bots for you to practice whatever you want. It's not perfect and I don't recommend just using this as your only practice method, but this is easier to "measure" improvements and you can see if you're on point with your shoots, thanks to showimpacts. You can also use this to practice smokes and flashes.

I hope this helps!


TD Member
Most of the advice here is solid and should be followed, however the nature of practicing on online comp. and DM makes it hard to see how you've improved. With offline practice, you can sort of mitigate the issues of online play and practice on your terms.

Here is my practice.cfg:

bot_kick all
sv_cheats 1
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0
bot_dont_shoot 1
bot_difficulty 3
mp_spawnprotectiontime 0
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0
mp_maxrounds 100
sv_infinite_ammo 2
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1
mp_roundtime 9
mp_freezetime 3
sv_grenade_trajectory 1
sv_showimpacts 1
give weapon_flashbang
give weapon_smokegrenade
give weapon_hegrenade
give weapon_molotov

Put this in the cfg folder, open up any map (preferably a small aim map), join t side and 'exec practice.cfg'. This will spawn 10 harmless bots for you to practice whatever you want. It's not perfect and I don't recommend just using this as your only practice method, but this is easier to "measure" improvements and you can see if you're on point with your shoots, thanks to showimpacts. You can also use this to practice smokes and flashes.

I hope this helps!

Except for the nades, this is the exact setup I use lol. I found it a great way to warm my hands before playing online.