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Headphone Hair


TD Member
Sometimes I get really bad earphone hair. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? It's really affecting my dating life. Oh wait I play cs I don't have a dating life.:clap:


TD Member
what is this earphone hair? what is this dating life? i can make up phrases too!

...can't think of anything now


TD Member
I'm assuming that you have long hair... lol. Usually if I want to avoid headphone-hair when I'm in the studio for 4+ hours, I tuck my hair behind my ears and then put them on.

PS can't tell if troll or not.


DARKLY Regular
shave your head. win.

I buzz my head down to a #4 due to life tethered to a fuckin machine by a headset. Otherwise, gel or no gel, you get the telltale "Divot" in your head, and though it does give cute, horny French chicks with kids an excuse to groom you, which is female speak for "I want your cock in me, and as a result, I want you to look good when I am around you in public" it's also mad annoying and makes you look and feel like a tool.

I recommend the #4 buzz cut, or you can go "Army Style" and just tell your barber you want it "high and tight" like you're in the military. (Make sure you include the military part, or he may take it the completely wrong way, in which case ask him to be gentle, to use lots of lube and protection.)

That, or you can be one of those "he-males" who carries a small salon around in a man purse to fix your hair after you take your headset off, but then the dispersions will be cast on your sexuality, making the idea of looking good for the ladies completely moot. Then again, if you followed the above recommendation poorly with your local gay-ish male barber, that might be a good thing for you given your potential new choice in lifestyle.

The advice is free, you get what you pay for. If you don't like it, you ain't gettin a refund! ;)

PS SJ I have no clue what hammering nails through his cock would accomplish save to guarantee him being the bottom in his newfound gay relationships and condemning him to a life of pillow biting and premature necessitating of the use of depends undergarments.

Completely Irrelevant aside:

What does 80 year old pussy taste like?



DARKLY Regular
haha word, i take it right down to #1 tho

That takes balls, man, but given my receding hairline, I always worry if I go down that low, the shit is never coming back. :S

I went down to a #2 before I last went to Germany, and some cunt in Montreal almost didn't let me on the plane claiming I wasn't the person on my passport. Like, read the date of issue, bitch. The thing is 2 1/2 years old. Imagine that, I got a fuckin haircut since then.

She was like "What, do you work in the military?"

I was so tempted to say "No... Are you BLIND, or did were you too deep into a cock hang over to pay attention in the facial recognition class?"

Luckily, the chick next to her had a brain in her head and said what I was thinking "No, that's him. Look at the high eyebrows, the eyes, the cleft chin and the nose. He just has shorter hair."

You have to keep in mind, I have strangely arched eyebrows like the Angry Villains in Cartoons. They literally look like these ^ ^

That, and my chin has one of these in it. o

If I went to the extent to steal the passport of someone who looks that similar to myself, the bitch should let me on the plane on principle. Fuckin cunt.


TD Member
At first I was apprehensive about doing it but it looks good. I guess it also helps that my melon's got a good shape to it. I started doing it to combat receding hairline actually, once I figured out the hair is still growing there just not filling out I realized it looks better with the whole dome shaved down. Once the hair starts to go for real I'll just shave it right to the skin, the Jude Law look ain't for me.


DARKLY Regular
I've been suckered into the whole 'Grow it out and people won't notice" but when your hair is thin, your hair is thin. It can be thin and short or thin and long.

I've always looked better with shorter hair, so the #4 it is for me.