I buzz my head down to a #4 due to life tethered to a fuckin machine by a headset. Otherwise, gel or no gel, you get the telltale "Divot" in your head, and though it does give cute, horny French chicks with kids an excuse to groom you, which is female speak for "I want your cock in me, and as a result, I want you to look good when I am around you in public" it's also mad annoying and makes you look and feel like a tool.
I recommend the #4 buzz cut, or you can go "Army Style" and just tell your barber you want it "high and tight" like you're in the military. (Make sure you include the military part, or he may take it the completely wrong way, in which case ask him to be gentle, to use lots of lube and protection.)
That, or you can be one of those "he-males" who carries a small salon around in a man purse to fix your hair after you take your headset off, but then the dispersions will be cast on your sexuality, making the idea of looking good for the ladies completely moot. Then again, if you followed the above recommendation poorly with your local gay-ish male barber, that might be a good thing for you given your potential new choice in lifestyle.
The advice is free, you get what you pay for. If you don't like it, you ain't gettin a refund!
PS SJ I have no clue what hammering nails through his cock would accomplish save to guarantee him being the bottom in his newfound gay relationships and condemning him to a life of pillow biting and premature necessitating of the use of depends undergarments.
Completely Irrelevant aside:
What does 80 year old pussy taste like?