Halo: Reach


TD Admin
story: subjective/10
graphics: better-than-you/10
gameplay: better-than-any-other-shooter/10
multiplayer: best-skill-curve-out-of-all-shooter-games/10


story: no idea / 10
graphics: BC2 > halo
gameplay: BC2 > Halo
muliplayer: BC2 > Halo
im getting so sick of these war sim games...bcs mw2 css...all the same shit...and i always find the games make me so miserable..always running through some wartorn streets post nuclear shinanigans and whatnot..halo is nice..its a pretty game :)

but seriously, all these war sims are the fkin same..you can have all the graphic power you want, but a post bombing clay hut in iran is always gunna look like shit...

bc2 can fkin die.

I am not too sure if you were trying to edit my post or reply to it, but lol. XD

but yes I agree, I am getting a bit sick of the war sims fps, there's couple more coming out this year -.- MOH and Blackops BORING. Actually I am getting sick of FPS in general.

Someone posted this article a while back.


so now I'm playing Vindictus XD mmo hack and slash action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZDOsDhd9bQ


TD Member
reach dosnt make any sence, there were no brutes on reach or even in the covenent at that time, and why are the guns and shit more advanced than in halo3? the human guns being more advanced make some sort of sence since reach is twhere all the prototypeing was done so shit got lost when reach when to shit, but covenent shouldnt have better guns.

story ignored its own lore/10
gamplay same as halo 1 2 and 3/10
multiplayer changed hitboxes to make the game easyer/10


TD Admin
hitting with DMR is way harder than with a BR..its the equiv of the pistol in halo1

and there were always brutes(in the story)..just at this point the brutes were just another race in the covanant, and hadnt gotten the ranks that they had in halo 2, and hadnt overthrown the cov like in halo3..but yeah CE never had brute, but they were worked into the story.


TD Admin
is without a doubt the best Halo game since the original Halo:Combat Evolved.

Story:8/10 - although they based the idea for this game off the book Halo: Fall of Reach, it does not follow the same characters or events from that book.
Graphics:9/10 - simply amazing
Gameplay:10/10 - The pistols back, baby. Also, the new host of flying vehicles and space ships you can pilot are done very well.
Multiplayer: x/10, I don't have xbox live currently.

If you have a xbox 360 this is a must play!

Aren't you supposed to be studying and shit? This indicates you left us for console games?!


TD Admin | Bacon
Wow Steve saying it's as good as the first is pretty high review. I'll grab it for PC if it ever comes out

Eh.. idk halo ports to PC have been terrible in the past.

I agree console controllers are gay as fuck, but I've accepted being horrible at console and just play for fun.

oh yeah steve, my GT is RoachSack
add me if u wanna compare dick sizes

I don't have XBL, too much of a poor fuck right now. :|

$200 million dollars in the first day of sales of Halo:Reach, how many of your shitty ps3 games do that hinouchi? MW2 only did $310 million across PC,PS3, AND xbox 360.



TD Member / Gay Gyoza
alwasy loved halo 1, pistol was such a rage weapon way too bullshit. second and third halo was soooooooo shit!!!! waiting to get my xbox red circle shit fixed.


TD Admin
Quality over Quantity steve. If I remember Uncharted 2 won like 10 award at the AIAS annual awards? that must be one shitty PS3 game ;D.


TD Admin

they do!

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
alwasy loved halo 1, pistol was such a rage weapon way too bullshit. second and third halo was soooooooo shit!!!! waiting to get my xbox red circle shit fixed.

Do some modding! I just finished modding the fans to run at 12V, added an 80mm on top to blow in, taped the fan bezel to surround the heatsinks better, and I've done the "X-Clamp mod" a year ago. Only had one red-ring since (yesterday, and that was before I did the fan mod).

Youtube FTW!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
i have no interest in Halo, reminds me of power rangers.

just like hinouchi said, im starting to get tired of FPS'. gonna torrent bad game fallout: new vegas becasue im a fanboy and then pray for a new elder scrolls.

agree with hinouchi, uncharted 2 was siick.
oblivion > all games


TD Admin
i have no interest in Halo, reminds me of power rangers.

just like hinouchi said, im starting to get tired of FPS'. gonna torrent bad game fallout: new vegas becasue im a fanboy and then pray for a new elder scrolls.

agree with hinouchi, uncharted 2 was siick.
oblivion > all games

i dunno how much more oblivion music i can take...my gf has been playin it for like 3 years now..same music throughout the whole game..drives me crazy


TD Admin

I havne't played uncharted 2, I'll check it out.

I hate your gf too

i love yours...long time


2012 Troll of the Year

I havne't played uncharted 2, I'll check it out.

I hate your gf too

i love yours...long time


You now have herpes.


TD Admin | Bacon
i have no interest in Halo, reminds me of power rangers.


I fucking love power rangers. I was just playing an old PR sega genesis game last week!