Halo: Reach


TD Admin | Bacon
is without a doubt the best Halo game since the original Halo:Combat Evolved.

Story:8/10 - although they based the idea for this game off the book Halo: Fall of Reach, it does not follow the same characters or events from that book.
Graphics:9/10 - simply amazing
Gameplay:10/10 - The pistols back, baby. Also, the new host of flying vehicles and space ships you can pilot are done very well.
Multiplayer: x/10, I don't have xbox live currently.

If you have a xbox 360 this is a must play!


TD Admin | Bacon
The graphics are much better than seen in those pics. Who ever took those looks like they used a fucking camara phone next to a standard definition TV. The game is much crisper and detailed than that.

Halo 3 was shit compared to Reach.

You generic halo hating faggot ps3 owners are all the same. Go chug some bleach and blow it out your asshole.


Staff member
I should go buy a ps3 and pick this game up

HAHAHAHA omfg Brains your priceless


TD Admin
hahaha +1 steve

i love the game. its fkin awesome, it really seems like they went back to what was important about halo. music, giant epic battlefields, etc.

the game is some serious fun, whatever you like to do. theres campaign for people who wanna get into the story, theres firefight for peeps that just wanna slay comps, and theres matchmaking for people that wanna compare dick sizes.

ooo and forge is greatfun

ive been playn this for the passed 5 days and havent put it down. like steve said, ps3 fanboys are all the same...go piss up a rope


Staff member
Wow Steve saying it's as good as the first is pretty high review. I'll grab it for PC if it ever comes out


TD Admin
..console is more fun, and more relaxed. pc gaming is stressful, and terrible for the back XD

.44 caliber

TD Admin
fuck that joystick bullshit,



however, i was pretty good at halo 2 online. We'll see if this game is worth blowing the dust off my 360 for.


TD Admin
Story:gay/10 - didnt pay attention to this
Graphics:3/10 - same shit different game. wooaaaaa. Motion blur hides shitty frames per second? why dont all games do this?!
Gameplay:6/10 - you can assassinate people in this one. BRAND NEW GAME!
Multiplayer: 7/10 if you have no friends, play with yourself.

notes: i like the golf club.

Price: i wouldnt pay a penny more then what i got it for. low low price of free


TD Admin
story: subjective/10
graphics: better-than-you/10
gameplay: better-than-any-other-shooter/10
multiplayer: best-skill-curve-out-of-all-shooter-games/10


2012 Troll of the Year
maybe I'm too old for this convo, but I'm glad they are focusing on the story lines, and the "fun" aspect of the game. They've got the brand down, they've got a decent rig to roll out to, I say kudo's to the halo team for rolling out a fun game.


TD Admin
story: subjective/10
graphics: better-than-you/10
gameplay: better-than-any-other-shooter/10
multiplayer: best-skill-curve-out-of-all-shooter-games/10


story: no idea / 10
graphics: BC2 > halo
gameplay: BC2 > Halo
muliplayer: BC2 > Halo


TD Admin
story: subjective/10
graphics: better-than-you/10
gameplay: better-than-any-other-shooter/10
multiplayer: best-skill-curve-out-of-all-shooter-games/10


story: no idea / 10
graphics: BC2 > halo
gameplay: BC2 > Halo
muliplayer: BC2 > Halo
im getting so sick of these war sim games...bcs mw2 css...all the same shit...and i always find the games make me so miserable..always running through some wartorn streets post nuclear shinanigans and whatnot..halo is nice..its a pretty game :)

but seriously, all these war sims are the fkin same..you can have all the graphic power you want, but a post bombing clay hut in iran is always gunna look like shit...

bc2 can fkin die.