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TD Admin
What did you guys dress up as? If anything.

I dressed up as Donald Draper, from Mad Men. Maybe just an excuse to dress up all classy-like.

And maybe its just me, but its seems more like skank-o-ween now days, despite the cold weather.
Tits n' Treats indeed Bob. I, unfortunately, did not dress up or go anywhere. Only 8 kids showed up to the house, then nothing until a drunk asshole tried to walk in to our house. We (nicely) kick him out, then he comes back later with his dirty scabbed up whore and knocks: "Trick or Treat". My oh my, the days I wish I owned a shotgun. No kids come down the street because of this shit. I figure if someone wants to drink their life out of a Listerine bottle that's their choice, but don't bother other people. Especially don't ruin Halloween for kids by forcing us homeowners to shutdown early because you think spreading your dirty fucking wretched filth around the neighborhood is fun. Other than that, I only saw a few kids, and from my standpoint Halloween is turning into a bag of shit, complete with nurse, kitty and hooker outfits.

TLDR: I dressed up as an angry ass cracker.



TD Admin
Went out for halloween as a cyclist that got hit by a car. What sucks is that this "water-based, easy to clean off" fake blood is not easy to clean. Fucking streaks of blood on my face n scalp look dyed into my skin now and i scrubbed furiously last night and tonight to the point my face feels dry and raw. Sucks shit, but the costume was loved for all its simplicity. $3 for fake blood and thats all I bought, cept for a 24 of beer.

Halloween is amazing, i dunno why people don't like seeing chicks dressed up in less than a tissue sized piece of fabric, especially when they are bonin hawt! Fuck, ya'll must be old or too cool or something.

Hate going downtown for any holiday events, except maybe new years in NYC or something. Who needs or wants to pay for $10 or $20 or even $30+ to go to some club to party with a bunch of strangers while PAYING for beer or liquor? lol Haunted House Parties with 150+ ppl ftw! U can smoke, you can drink, and all the young uni cuties r still decked out in strings n things! ye ye. Nothing like gettin chicks tanked from flip-cup while they are wearing nothin but a jersey or smutty lingerie.

Halloween FTW


Professional Cocksucker
Tits n' Treats indeed Bob. I, unfortunately, did not dress up or go anywhere. Only 8 kids showed up to the house, then nothing until a drunk asshole tried to walk in to our house. We (nicely) kick him out, then he comes back later with his dirty scabbed up whore and knocks: "Trick or Treat". My oh my, the days I wish I owned a shotgun. No kids come down the street because of this shit. I figure if someone wants to drink their life out of a Listerine bottle that's their choice, but don't bother other people. Especially don't ruin Halloween for kids by forcing us homeowners to shutdown early because you think spreading your dirty fucking wretched filth around the neighborhood is fun. Other than that, I only saw a few kids, and from my standpoint Halloween is turning into a bag of shit, complete with nurse, kitty and hooker outfits.

TLDR: I dressed up as an angry ass cracker.


i know what ya mean. Halloween now is nothing compared to when i was growing up and going trick or treating.


Staff member
I've got a buddy who has a pattio on church st. and wellsley (for non torontonians thats gay town)
we just drank smoked and saw some funny shit,
there was 4 girls dressed as Cats...... with tails and ears only
about 50 people were dressed as Cher, one guy was dress as a Timmies donut,


TD Member
Went out for a river boat partie as the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts...too loud for me even after I've blown the hell outta my ears with my car stereo. I think next year we'll try to do a small house party or something a little more low key.

I agree with the skank-o-ween comments; it doesn't help that all the costume stores have nothing but those costumes for the gals. I gotta say, its way hotter to see a a hottie in a modest costum than one in two shoe strings and a banana peel...leave something for the imagination please.
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