Halloween Update Is nearing...

I'll be giving The Administrator a call about the opening...interesting, date without talking about business. XD

I wonder what goodies will be in for us this year, nice catch mate.


TF2 Admin
I hope they add a bit more than robot re-skin hats -.-

But looking forward to it, thanks!

EDIT: Were you actually looking for this...I never would have noticed O.o
I guess the boss is going to be Merasmus? :p
I'm curious what his attacks would be, the comic doesn't quite reveal anything besides the murdering of the Soldier's friends...

That is one seriously retarded Soldier, also, I'm confused why they're referring people to Ma'am...? I remembered that the Soldier's real name is Mister Jane Doe...what the fuck?


TF2 Admin
Eh...the goal is to make people feel bad so they calm down and work together.

Once that happens you just need to guilt the engineers and scouts into switching classes.


DARKLY Middleman
Eh...the goal is to make people feel bad so they calm down and work together.

Once that happens you just need to guilt the engineers and scouts into switching classes.
<- While I agree, this is a more general idea of how terrible and stupid these players are. I wonder if the hours it took me is average or more...